Another Great Corn Roast
A loud round of corn-fed applause to Dan Nichols for organizing this year's corn roast. Once again, the food was great, and the singing was enjoyed by all. Dan works his magic and makes everything go so smoothly that it's easy to forget how much effort goes into this event. And this year, Dan did it while recovering from an encounter with patio bricks that required stitches. Thanks again Dan. Thanks also to all those who helped with the set-up and tear-down.
With all the political polls that are in the news now, why not have a chorus poll? The subject matter may not be critical to national security, but take a minute and make your choice. The poll is at the top right of this issue. If you answer "other", email your answer to the bulletin. (email address is in the About Us section above)
Who Said That?
"I started writing songs at 18, and the barbershopping (experience) was behind me, but what I learned from it was a very important part of my life during those formative years. It's the most remarkable sound I think I've ever experienced."
(The answer is written at the end of today's issue.)
Sign O' The Times
Recently spotted on route 43 between Kent and Streetsboro was a yard sign that proclaimed, "DIVAS WANTED, WOMEN WHO SING" There was also a phone number, but it wasn't Ray's.
Recently spotted on route 43 between Kent and Streetsboro was a yard sign that proclaimed, "DIVAS WANTED, WOMEN WHO SING" There was also a phone number, but it wasn't Ray's.
Most of us have watched enough TV or seen enough movies to be familiar with the term, "gringos". This word is used as a, not so flattering, reference to North Americans. The word was actually coined during the Mexican War. There was a very popular American song at the time that started with the words, "Green grows the lilac...". Mexicans often heard the American troopers sing this song around the campfires, hence "gringos".

Happy Birthday!
Ed Egan 9/24
Bill Evans 9/27
Ken Spencer 10/2
Jim Bishop 10/3
Ken Hinchee 10/4
Herb Shreffler 10/8
Donald Stephens 10/10
The Songs That We Sing
The Swedish rock quartet, ABBA, has been in the news lately with the Broadway and movie versions of Mama Mia!. Here is a clip of ABBA's first TV appearance. (1970) Who knew that Sweden had a "wild west"?
Barbershop On XM Radio
If you have access to XM radio, check out channel 4 (usually plays music from the 40's) from 8 to 9 on Sunday nights. They do a whole hour of barbershop. They also repeat the show again at midnight for those insomniacs out there. Note: If you have DirecTV, this show is on channel 801.
Answer to Who Said That? Singer/Songwriter, Gordon Lightfoot
Watch for the next bulletin issue on Monday, October 13th.