Monday, December 19, 2011

December, 2011

May All Your Songs Be Harmonious In 2012

Note: Phrases appear between the Bulletin articles. See if you can figure out the Christmas song represented by each phrase.

Barbershopper Of The Year

Charles (Rip) Wilson

The honor of being BOTY is certainly one that Rip richly deserves. Since joining our Chapter, Rip has been involved in numerous projects, which include the development of the Gospel Chorus, our Singing Valentines program and, most recently, spearheading the production of our 2012 Annual Show. He has always been eager to provide labor, expertise or, on many occcasions, his home to aid in the operation and growth of our Chapter. Congratulations Rip!


(Oh, member of the round table with missing areas)
December 10th-A Fun, But Busy Day

On Saturday, December 10th at 8:00am, about 30 Chapter members met at The Salvation Army headquarters on Maple St. in Akron. We were divided into two groups and bused to Acme stores all around the greater Akron area. Once at the stores, we met with the bell ringers and did a short performance to help make shoppers aware of the fund raising efforts of The Salvation Army.

Coffee, Donuts, bottled water and our own supply of Christmas spirit were more than enough to keep us singing carols until after the noon hour. This was a departure from our usual Salvation Army gigs of recent years, but it certainly allowed us to cover a wide area and get up close and personal with our audience.

Later that evening, we gathered at The Spaghetti Warehouse for the December business meeting/Christmas party. After dinner, we were treated to songs by Chapter quartets and the chorus. As mentioned in the opening article of this Bulletin issue, it was announced at the meeting that the 2011 Barbershopper Of The Year award went to Charles (Rip) Wilson.

Thank you to Dennis Conrad, who did his usual masterful job in coordinating the whole day's events.

(We are Kong, Lear, and Nat Cole)

G. Dwight Dieckman-12/10
Tom Macko-12/11
Bob McMillan-12/18
D'Artanyon Stanard-12/20
Jerry Mason-12/21
Mike Neff-12/27
(Do you perceive the same vibrations which stimulate my auditory sense organ?)

Fox 8 In The Morning

On Monday, Dec. 12th, we made our holiday appearance on the Fox 8 Morning Show. We were ready to give it our all because we really hadn't sung much since Saturday. This is always a great gig and, through the Fox 8 webpage, we can promote our Chapter and the Annual Show. A round of cyber-applause to all who participated in our Christmas TV appearance.

(Sir Lancelot with laryngitis)

You don't have to be a barbershopper to enjoy the many wonderful sounds of Christmas, but we certainly get a lift from being able to sing the songs ourselves. Let's sample a few right now.

(Duodecimal enumeration of the passage of the yuletide season)

The Dapper Dans Sing "Rudolph"

(Parent was observed osculating a red-coated unshaven teamster)

The Great British Barbershop Boys

(Jubilation to the entire terrestrial globe)

The Morman Tabernacle Choir

(Listen, the winged heavenly messengers are proclaiming tunefully)

Editors Note: Since Sue and I will soon be traveling south to Florida, by way of Cincinnati (for Christmas) and Hendersonville, TN (for another Christmas), this will be the last full edition of The Bulletin until May, 2012. By the way, we already had Christmas in Kent with Mike and Kim. I will post shortened issues each month to recognize birthdays and mention some brief news or entertainment items. Until then, have a Merry Christmas and I'll see you in the new year. Maybe, if I keep up with the show songs online and we do a repeat show in Medina in May, I can actually be in it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 2011

(click on the collage to enlarge it)

Tree Festival

In what is becoming a Derbytown Chorus tradition, we began our Holiday Season by singing at the John S. Knight Center as part of the annual Christmas Tree Festival.


Novice Quartet Contest

After a little work on some of our Christmas repertoire, we held our Chapter novice quartet contest. As always, this was a fun activity and gave singers a chance to enjoy the quartet experience, whether for the first time or the umpty-millionth time.

(click on the collage to enlarge it)

Recent Guests
Our President, Jim Bishop, recently entertained three business associates at one of our rehearsals. Pictured with Jim, from left to right are: Maksim Marholin (Goodyear), Sandy Schottenheimer (Goodyear) and George Schottenheimer (Bridgestone). Maksim was visiting from Belarus and he must have enjoyed our singing because he came back to more than one additional rehearsal.


I Got Spurs That Jingle Jangle Jingle

A tip of the red derby to chorus member Mike Neff for sharing this video with The Bulletin.


Acapella (and more)Singing Around The World

We are all familiar with distinctly American forms of music, like jazz and of course barbershop. The world keeps getting smaller all the time and that helps to explain the appearance of American music around the globe. Here are some examples:

From Ireland

From Scotland


A Mighty Wind

If you haven't seen it yet, the website for this 4th place International quartet has been updated. Click on the "A Mighty Wind" link in the upper left of the Bulletin page to check it out. Thanks to Chapter member Mike Sitter for the 411 on this one.



Dave McPeek- 11/8
C.J. Cleeland- 11/15


Have A Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 7, 2011

October, 2011


A Golden Evening

t our rehearsal on October 11, we honored two Chapter members who recently reached the 50-year plateau of Society membership. Jim Bouterse and Bill Trumpold were both able to be present along with 53-year member, Oscar "Buzz" Fraley. Congratulations to Jim and Bill on having such an long and distinguished tenure in the barbershop harmony. Many Chapter members shared memories with our two honorees, especially related to the time when both were members of the outstanding Chapter quartet, The Interludes. Bill, Jim, Buzz and John Rohal( 60-year member), give us four men in our Chapter who have 50 or more years in BHS.

The three "golden" members joined with Chapter President, Jim Bishop, to sing a familiar barbershop song. Give a listen.

Coming Attractions

JAD District Contest and Convention October 14-16
Halloween October 31 (costumes at rehearsal on 10/25?????)
Daylight Savings Time-November 6
Election Day-November 8 (put your name on the chapter ballot for 2012??)
Veterans Day- November 11
Tree Festival Sing Out- November 19
Thanksgiving- November 24
Salvation Army Sing Out (am)- December 10 Annual Business Meeting and Christmas Party (pm)- Dec. 10


Edna Mae Anderson

Does that name ring a bell (or a chord) with anyone? She lived in Tulsa, OK, if that gives you a clue. Recently, Jim Heaton did a wonderful job of putting together a video that gives some history of and promotes our Chapter. To find some more history of barbershop singing in America, click on the Quick Connections EMA link at the upper right of this Bulletin page.


Shine On Harvest Moon

This song is wonderful to sing and listen to at anytime, but certainly it is even more enjoyable at this time of year.

Jack Norworth wrote the words, and Nora Bayes wrote the music. They were a vaudeville couple who introduced the song in “The Follies of 1908.”

Here’s an excerpt from album notes from an early 1950’s recording by the Cities Service Green and White Quartet, thanks to Joseph Schlesinger, Houston, who seems to have a recording of every barbershop quartet ever recorded.

“Barbershop quartet singing brings back memories of an unashamedly sentimental era. It calls to mind qualities that have, regrettably, fallen by the wayside in the slashing swirl of modern living. The composers of one song in this RCA Victor collection serve to illustrate the point. The song, SHINE ON, HARVEST MOON, was written and made famous by Jack Norworth and Nora Bayes, singing sweethearts of many years ago. And when the loving pair played any theater, the lights out front blazed with a chivalrous message: ‘Nora Bayes, assisted and admired by Jack Norworth.’”

Thanks to.

Big D Bulletin, , Grant Carson, editor



Ken Spencer- 10/2
Jim Bishop- 10/3
Kenneth Hinchee - 10/4
Herb Shreffler- 10/8
Donald Stephens- 10/10
Jim Bouterse- 10/15
Charles (Rip) Wilson- 10/21
Gary Young- 10/23


What Was On The B-Side Of That Record?

The Four Aces had a big hit with "Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing". But if you flip that 45 over, (those under 40, see me at rehearsal and I'll explain that to you) this is what you will find.

Monday, September 19, 2011

September, 2011

Another Successful Corn Roast

On Tuesday, September 6, barbershoppers from the far reaches of NE Ohio gathered at the Tadmore Shrine shelter for the annual Akron Chapter Corn Roast. As always, a myriad of volunteers, under the capable direction of Dan Nichols, provided all those in attendance with great food, refreshing beverages and a wonderful evening of chorus and quartet singing. MC Rip Wilson kept the evening's program moving and the slightly cool, but dry weather made for a very enjoyable event. Thanks again to all those who helped to make the corn roast happen.


Harmony In Derby

Our President, Jim Bishop, has been communicating with members of the Derby A Cappella Chorus located in the English town of Derby. (Note: Robin Reid assures me that the pronunciation is "Darby". It's good to have at least one of our chorus members that speaks English.) Jim felt that the Derby Chorus and the Derbytown Chorus had a natural bond and that it would be good for us to get better acquainted.

A link to the website for the Derby Chorus has been added to the Quick Connections section on the left of The Bulletin page. You are encouraged to visit that site and find out more about their activities.

Here is a little preview


The Tradition Continues

On Saturday, August 27, The Derbytown Chorus made its second appearance of the summer at an Akron Aeros baseball game. As usual, we sang The National Anthem before the start of the game and led the crowd in singing Take Me Out To The Ball Game during the seventh inning stretch. Jack Kunklier continued another tradition by ably tossing the ceremonial first pitch. I suspect that Jack and Stan Martin have been practicing together because Jack's form was very similar to that of Stan when he did the honors at the July game.


September Birthdays

Frank Lopresti 9/4
Erik Salmons 9/8
Don Seagren 9/12
Luke Frohnapfel 9/19
Bill Evans 9/27


Chapter Quartet News

Lock 4 (formerly known as Research)

On August 15, Lock 4 helped FirstEnergy kick off their 2011-2012 United Way campaign. The quartet provided musical entertainment for the company's Ice Cream Social and United Way Agency Fair. From left to right are:
Scott Giles, tenor (subbing for Mike Halter), Keith Fuller, lead, Tom Gentry, baritone and Mike Sitter, bass.


On Saturday, September 10, Eu4ria helped the family of Helen Johnson celebrate her 95th birthday. Dan Nichols, tenor, Jim Heaton, lead, Jim Elliott, bass and Jim Bishop, baritone donned their red vests and straw hats and serenaded Helen at the Everett Road covered bridge in Bath Township. If you didn't see the article from the Beacon Journal on the bulletin board at rehearsal, I have included a link to it in the Quick Connections.

The Chapter is always interested in what our quartets are doing , so please forward any information about your gigs to The Bulletin email.


Barbershop Classics

If you wonder what The Suntones sound like fifty years after they won gold, here they are at the chorditorium during the KC International this year.

Monday, August 15, 2011

August, 2011

Good Form, Stan

When the Derbytown Chorus sang The National Anthem at the Akron Aeros game on July 19, Stan Martin represented us during the ceremonial "first pitch". As you can see, Stan did a great job. Does this remind you of anyone?


And The Rains Came

This spot was to contain a story and some pictures of our performance yesterday at The Ohio Veterans' Memorial Park. We had 36 singers warmed up and ready to go and a song list packed with patriotic music. But, as sometimes happens with outdoor venues, a brief, yet strong downpour washed out the event. Still, a big thanks goes out to Dennis Conrad for securing and planning the event and to all who helped with the risers and other logistics. Maybe we can try this one again.

August Birthdays

Mark Nedel-8/11
Jim Mally-8/12
Mark Purdy-8/12
Mike Halter-8/27
Eric Jolly-8/28
Mike Hoover-8/29


Do You Remember This Show?

Here are some slides of the 1979 Annual Show. You might want to go to the Chorus website and check out the program for this show. Enter the Members Only section, go into the Photo Archives and look for the album titled "ADTC Annual Show Programs" There are two pages there for 1979 and we were celebrating 40 years of SPEBSQSA.


School Days

We have once again come to the month of August and that means the start of another school year. Here is some history and a recording of a song that speaks of adults looking back on their school years with nostalgia. I think most of us know the lyrics to the chorus of this song. Maybe it would be a good choice if we are looking for a woodshed song at rehearsal tomorrow night.

School Days, also known as School Days (When We Were A Couple Of Kids), is an American popular song, written in 1907 by Will Cobb and Gus Edwards.

The song speaks of a mature couple remembering their lifelong friendship and their days in primary school.


Random Acts Of Excellent Barbershop

Here is a video of Vocal Spectrum and Prestige joining forces on a classic Simon and Garfunkel song.


Double Header

As was mentioned in the first portion of this issue, we are singing The Star Spangled Banner at an Aeros game on two occasions this year. The next one is coming up soon, on Saturday, August 27. Join us for the singing and fireworks after the game.

Monday, July 18, 2011

July, 2011

Congratulations To The Kansas City Champs

Collegiate Quartets

Gold Medalis

Our Own JAD Quartet


Silver-The Vigilantes
Bronze(1)-After Hours


Gold Medalist

Old School(MAD)

Silver-Musical Island Boys(NZABS
Bronze(2)-A Mighty Wind(DIX)
Bronze(3)-Main Street(SUN)


Gold Medalists

Masters Of Harmony(FWD)

Silver-Great Northern Union(LOL)
Bronze(1)-The Northern Lights(ONT)
Bronze(2)-Sound Of The Rockies(FWD)
Bronze(3)-Alexandria Harmonizers(MAD)

For more interesting information from the KC Convention, click on the BHS Home link here on the Bulletin page(for example, the difference between gold and silver in the chorus competition was .2 points) WOW!


Bill Trumpold Reaches Golden Milestone

If you have been reading the Harmonizer magazine carefully, you already know that, in the list of the latest 50 year Society members, was the name of Chapter tenor, Bill Trumpold. Congratulations to Bill for this outstanding achievement. Just think how many songs that Bill and others in this select group have sung. Bill is not alone in this honor within our Chapter. Here is the list of our "Golden Boys".

Bill Trumpold-50 years
James Bouterse-50 years
Oscar (Buzz) Fraley-53 years
John Rohal-60 years

Since I joined the Chapter when I was pushing 60, if I want to join
the 50 year club, I'll have to start taking better care of myself.


More Slides

The following four slides are from the 1969 Show. You will see the chorus and three quartets. The process I'm using to get these slides converted to digital form has been improved since I put some slides from the 1968 show in this year's May issue. There is still a problem on some slides with the very bright lights washing out the details in the middle of the picture.

If anyone can identify the quartets in these pictures, please contact me at the Bulletin email,


July Birthdays
(starting with this issue, I will include with each man's name, his years of Society membership)

7/1-George Bachmann (16)
7/4-Virgil Koppes (46)
7/4-Larry Steele (28)
7/7-Dan Nichols (24)
7/12-Kirk Roose (40)
7/18-J.C. Ward (1)
7/21-Dick Frank (42)
7/21-Stan Haught (18)
7/23-Gerald Borg (3)


150th Annual Aeros Performance
(I made that up)

Tomorrow night, July 19th, the Derbytown Chorus will be making the first of two appearances at Akron Aeros baseball games this summer. We are scheduled to sing The National Anthem before the game (we promise not to yodel it, just sing the notes as written) and Take Me Out To The Ballgame during the 7th inning stretch. Be there by 6:15. Game time is 7:00. Clothing for the evening is red chorus shirts and anything else that is visible to the public should be black. Hope to see you there.


Vintage Quartets

Since the International Convention and Competition, the BHS party of the year, just ended, lets take a look back and give a listen to some popular quartets that were entertaining folks when the only meaning for SPEBSQSA was that your toddler had been playing with the typewriter.

The Peerless Quartet

Most chorus members should recall this first song.

The Haydn Quartet

The Shannon Quartet

This is a different take on a PoleCat.


Copley Show Is Coming Soon

This Sunday, July 24th. We sing at 7:00. My editorial guess is that you should arrive by 6:15. We can check with Scott at the ballgame tomorrow to be sure.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June, 2011

Chapter Visitation

On Tuesday, May 31, the Akron Derbytown Chorus hosted members of The Schoenbrunn Valley Chorus at our regular rehearsal. As always, there was fellowship, singing and refreshments. The added fun of having more singers and new songs only added to the fun.

The Schoenbrunn Valley Chorus

How about a number by the combined choruses?

There was some quartet singing too.



Thanks to all from both chapters who helped to make this event a reality.


Talk About Your Vowel Sounds, Etc.

(thanks to Jim Mally for this submission)
(click on the cartoon to make it bigger)

June Birthd

Paul Albert 6/3

Bob McCullough 6/7

Robin Reid 6/7

Bill Weddington 6/11

Ron Grumbling 6/12

Bill Halter 6/18

Chris Eitman 6/23

Cliff Crocker 6/25

Charlie Horning 6/28


One Of Akron's "Forgotten" Sons

On May 15, The Akron Beacon Journal published an article about the life and achievements of Akron-born lyricist, Grant Clarke (1891-1931). If you missed the article, you can see it by clicking on the "Grant Clarke Article" link in the Quick Connections list at the top left of the Bulletin page. It was written by Beacon Journal staff writer, Mark J. Price.

Perhaps due to his short time here on earth, Clarke's accomplishments are not widely known today. Along with writing lyrics for more than 100 songs, such as Second Hand Rose, Ragtime Cowboy Joe and Am I Blue?, he also collaborated with many famous composers, including Irving Berlin. In 1914, he became a charter member of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP).

So, here is a performance of one of Grant Clarke's often-recorded songs.


Guests From Music City

Recently , you may have noticed two young gentlemen accompanying Chapter member Charlie Horning at rehearsals. These two singers are Charlie's grandsons, Matt and Tom McIntyre, who are visiting from Nashville, TN. Welcome Matt and Tom. It's great to have you sing with the chorus. In the picture below are (l to r) Matt, Charlie, Tom and brother and Chapter member Bob Horning.


Singing Mice?

While waiting in a doctor's office earlier this year, I read an article in the Smithsonian magazine that chronicled scientific investigation of sounds made by mice. Many of these sounds were above the range of human hearing, but there were instances where mice made audible sounds. Some scientists believe that the mice use these sounds to communicate much like the "songs" used by whales.

I have placed a "singing mouse" link in the Quick Connections list. This video shows a mouse that was genetically engineered to sing. I couldn't embed this video in the Bulletin like I usually do because the embed feature had been disabled for this clip.

I can't help but wonder how long it will be before we see the first all-rodent barbershop quartet.

(Feel free to mentally insert a joke about the quartet of your choice at this point)


Chapter Family Picnic

Just a quick reminder that the annual Chapter Family Picnic is being held this Saturday, June 25. More details can be found in the online Chapter Calendar. (see Quick Connections)


Monday, May 16, 2011

May, 2011

It's Back!

Welcome to the first Bulletin issue of 2011. You may notice a difference in the appearance of this and future issues. These changes were done to better showcase the Chapter and also to make The Bulletin easier to read.

Another change is that there will be only one Bulletin issue per month, on the third Monday.

Something that hasn't changed is that the Bulletin will still emphasize sight and sound presentations related to barbershop singing in general and our Chapter in particular.

If it seems that The Bulletin doesn't always show the schedule of upcoming chorus events, remember that we have other Chapter publications that focus on that topic. On a weekly basis, we have "High Notes" by Robin Reid. In addition to being available at each rehearsal, "High Notes" is archived on the Chapter website. There is also the email newsletter by Jim Bishop.

The "Quick Connections" links that are shown on the left of the Bulletin page will provide an easy way to connect to online sites that allow you to keep up with what is happening in the barbershop community.

Also, keep in mind that you don't have to cover the whole issue at one time. This one actually turned out to be quite a bit longer than I thought it would. The Bulletin is always there, on your computer, whenever you have time to look at it. For the newer Chapter members, the archived issues are listed in the left column of the Bulletin. You can go all the way back to 2008 if you want.

So, that should be enough introduction. Enjoy this issue.


May Birthdays

May 5-Charlie Wilson
May 14-Dennis Siwik
May 23-Tom Gentry
May 31-Jim Murfin


Multi-tasking Chapter Member

Over the years, Chapter member Mike Sitter has been someone who is always willing to pitch in and work. That was never more evident than recently, when Mike, as part of his duties as Archbishop of Canterbury, officiated at the royal wedding in London. All that and he still finds time to sing in a quartet. Hats off to you, Mike!


Some Songs Stand The Test Of Time

In the time period following The Civil War in America, the songs that were being written did not lend themselves to barbershop harmony. They simply didn't contain the type and variety of chords that barbershop required. One notable exception is "I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen", written in 1876.

Here is a video of Ken Curtis, along with The Sons Of The Pioneers, singing this ballad in the 1950 movie "Rio Grande". You may remember Ken from his role as Festus on the "Gunsmoke" TV show. He didn't get to use his great singing voice much on that program.


A Salute To Harry

Harry Von Tilzer wrote barbershop favorites like "Wait 'Till The Sun Shines, Nellie" and "I Want A Girl, Just Like The Girl Who Married Dear Old Dad". Here is "Old School" singing another of Harry's compositions.


Barbershop Humor

An Irishman named O’Leary, who loved to sing as he worked, bought a mule to farm his garden. The mule worked well, but was almost totally deaf. So, when his owner yelled "Whoa!" the animal often continued plowing.

Asked how the mule was working out, O’Leary shook his head. "There was a time," he said, "when all my neighbors could hear was me singing my lilting melodies. Lately, I’m afraid, all they’ve heard are my riled Irish whoas."

-- from the Macon, GA Sharptalk, Fred Hinesley, editor


The Floradora Girls were the first quartet to perform in public using the name "Sweet Adelines". The date of that first performance was September 18, 1945. The Floradora Girls were featured in SAI's first official logo and are still featured in the medals worn by SAI's international quartet champions


The concept traces back to an Edwardian musical, "Floradora", that featured a double sextet (above) and attractive young ladies that became known as "Floradora Girls" . The show opened in London in 1899 and then came to Broadway, where it became the first big hit of the 20th century.

Here is an adaptation of this performance in the 1930 movie "Floradora Girl" starring Marion Davies.


35mm Memories

Since returning from Florida, I have taken on the task of converting some Chapter show slides into digital form. The time period for these slides is from the late 60's to 1980. Here are a few memories from the 1968 show. I would like to hear from anyone who might have recollections to share about this show.

Note: The bright onstage lighting and the distance from which these pictures were taken make it difficult to get high quality scans from the slides. I will work at trying to improve this process.


Chapter Visitation

On Tuesday, May 31, at our regular Chapter rehearsal, we will welcome the Schoenbrunn Valley Chorus (and maybe Canton). Visitations are special occasions, so try to make sure to attend and enjoy the fun.