Good Form, Stan

When the Derbytown Chorus sang The National Anthem at the Akron Aeros game on July 19, Stan Martin represented us during the ceremonial "first pitch". As you can see, Stan did a great job. Does this remind you of anyone?
Mark Nedel-8/11
Jim Mally-8/12
Mark Purdy-8/12
Mike Halter-8/27
Eric Jolly-8/28
Mike Hoover-8/29

And The Rains Came
This spot was to contain a story and some pictures of our performance y
esterday at The Ohio Veterans' Memorial Park. We had 36 singers warmed up and ready to go and a song list packed with patriotic music. But, as sometimes happens with outdoor venues, a brief, yet strong downpour washed out the event. Still, a big thanks goes out to Dennis Conrad for securing and planning the event and to all who helped with the risers and other logistics. Maybe we can try this one again.
This spot was to contain a story and some pictures of our performance y

August Birthdays

Mark Nedel-8/11
Jim Mally-8/12
Mark Purdy-8/12
Mike Halter-8/27
Eric Jolly-8/28
Mike Hoover-8/29
Do You Remember This Show?
Here are some slides of the 1979 Annual Show. You might want to go to the Chorus website and check out the program for this show. Enter the Members Only section, go into the Photo Archives and look for the album titled "ADTC Annual Show Programs" There are two pages there for 1979 and we were celebrating 40 years of SPEBSQSA.


School Days
We have once again come to the month of August and that means the start of another school year. Here is some history and a recording of a song that speaks of adults looking back on their school years with nostalgia. I think most of us know the lyrics to the chorus of this song. Maybe it would be a good choice if we are looking for a woodshed song at rehearsal tomorrow night.
School Days, also known as School Days (When We Were A Couple Of Kids), is an American popular song, written in 1907 by Will Cobb and Gus Edwards.
The song speaks of a mature couple remembering their lifelong friendship and their days in primary school.
Random Acts Of Excellent Barbershop
Here is a video of Vocal Spectrum and Prestige joining forces on a classic Simon and Garfunkel song.