Monday, May 25, 2009

May, 2009, #2

Memorial Day Issue

Along with all the visiting, cook-outs, games, and even singing that we may be doing this holiday weekend, we should not forget the purpose of Memorial Day. This video, courtesy of C
NN and reporter Carl Azuz, explains it well.

Just click on the blue letters below.

Embedded video from C
NN Video

A Learning Experience For All

On Saturday, May 23, our chorus hosted a session of CDWI (Chorus Director's Workshop Intensive). The workshop was held at our normal rehearsal location, the Fellowship Hall of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

CDWI is designe
d to enable directors to examine and evaluate their skills and identify two specific areas that they want to work on during the session.

Approximately 20 chorus members were on hand to act as the "objects of their direction".

The trainers (below) at this CDWI were Bob Pyper, from Spring, Texas(left) and Dave Leeder, from Toronto, Canada.
They met with the conductors in a morning session and then worked with both directors and chorus in the afternoon. Their skill and knowledge, as well as humor, made the sessions productive and enjoyable for all. The time really seemed to fly by.

The five directors for this workshop included our own Scott Giles and Dan Nichols and also Paul Coleman, Western Hills; Doug Boyer, Marion; and Jeff Jewell, Zanesville(P. Coleman, D. Nichols, S. Giles, J. Jewell, D. Boyer)

The afternoon sessions gave each director a chance to receive instruction related to the two skills that he had identified earlier in the day. A 15 minute, videotaped segment with the chorus and one trainer was followed by a rev
iew of the tape by director and trainer only. The other trainer then repeated that sequence with another director. This pattern made very efficient use of the time and gave chorus members a chance to build up their "riser muscles".

The chorus participation was finished around 4:00 pm and trainers and directors then met to wrap up their activities.

One comment that was repeated often was that chorus members were improving their performance by having a better focus on the director and his interpretations.

Thanks again to all chorus members who participated, especially Wil Vieth for coordinating the CDWI arrangements and to Jim Regallis and Jim Bishop for supplying and operating the video equip

BirthdaysJim Murfin 5/31
John Lilley 6/2
Bob McCullough 6/7
Robin Reid 6/7

Mystery Chorus Member Revealed

The world-traveling gentleman who was featured in "Getting To Know Us" in the last bulletin issue was none other than Jim Elliott.

Barbershop Glossary

Barbershop Seventh-The chord that is the hallmark of the style, made up of the root, major third, fifth, and flattened seventh notes of the chord. This is particularly good for producing 'expanded sound', (see below)

Closed Vowel-Singer's term for a vowel which has a smaller opening. examples: "ee", "ih" or "oo"

Expanded Sound-The effect created from the combined interaction of voices sung with accurate intonation, uniform word sounds in good quality, proper volume relationships that reinforce the more compatible harmonics producing an effect that is greater than the sum of the individual parts.

Harmonics-Another term for overtones. Tones of a higher pitch that are present in every musical sound though they are not sung or played.

Register-The classification of parts of the vocal range according to the method of production: chest, mixed, head and falsetto

Root Note- The first note in a scale. Also known as the key note. example: C in the key of C

Scooping- Starting a tone off-pitch, usually below pitch, and adjusting to correct the pitch after initiating the sound

Six More Days

That's how long until we perform at Progressive Field. (5/31) We have over 130 people going to this event and it should be a really great experience. Maybe we can even inspire the Indians to beat the Yankees.

Sharing Our Love For Music.

Here is a video that was shared by James Estes, Society Music Specialist. There is an article related to this video. You can read it by using the BarbershopHQ link at the top right of this bulletin issue and look for the article titled" Can barbershoppers help fill the holes in public school music programs?"

Monday, May 11, 2009

May, 2009, #1

Brothers In Harmony

On Saturday, May 2, The Akron Derbytown Chorus and two Chapter quartets participated in the 69th annual show of The Tower City Chorus. This chorus is comprised of members of The Cleveland West Suburban Chapter of The Barbershop Harmony Society. The venue for the show was The WorldView/River Church in Olmsted Falls.

As indicated by the "Brothers In Harmony" show title, several chapters were part of this performance. Featured, along with
Akron and Tower City, were The Cleveland East Suburbanaires and The Men Of Independence.

Performing quartets in
cluded, Final Edition, A Great Bunch Of Guys, Vive L' Four(from Lakewood High School), (Akron's own) Keyed Up and Clear Choice, and headliners, 4-Way Stop.

A wonderful evening of song was well-received by an appreciative audience. When all the singers joined to end the show by singing patriotic songs, and of course, KTWWS, we were treated to an example of how much enjoyment our hobby can bring.

Thanks to The Tower City Chorus and their director, Kevin Mohr, for inviting us to be a part of this experience.

Barbershop Glossary

Starting with
this issue and for several more, the bulletin will feature a short list of common barbershop terms. It should be interesting to see how many of them you recognize. The Bulletin Staff wants to thank our director, Scott Giles, for providing us with these terms.

Bell Chord-A succession of notes sung by each part in turn, usually starting with the bass or tenor note.

Crescendo-A gradual increase in volume.
Fifth-The fifth note of a scale (e.g. G in the scale of C) Alternate meaning: Singing along with a quartet. Also known as fifth-wheeling. This is a no-no.
Mask-A mental imagery term used to indicate the forward area of the face.
Triphthong-A single syllable consisting of three consecutive vowel sounds. An example is "beau".


Cory Hornish 5/14
Dennis Siwik 5/14
Tom Gentry 5/23

It's Getting Closer!

Less than three weeks until we sing The National Anthem at Progressive Field. That's Sunday 5/31, for the Indians-Yankees game. Watch for email updates and announcements at rehearsals. It should be a great time and we hope that you can join us as a participant or a guest. The next bulletin issue (5/25) will contain all the last minute logistics and time schedules.Make sure that you can "carry your part". We don't want to pull a "Roseanne".

Getting To Know Us

See if you can determine the identity of the mystery chorus member described below. The answer will be found in the 5/25 issue of the bulletin.

This man has been a barbershopper and a Chapter member for 7 years. He joined the Derbytown Chorus soon after seeing a "First Night" performance. He was born in Warren. PA, but has also lived in Florida, Maryland, California and Massachusetts. He was born in the same farmhouse where his grandfather, father and brother were born.

Moved to Akron (Ellet) with his family and then later to Hudson. Joined the Navy after high school and was stationed in San Diego for a while and then in May
port, Florida aboard the aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Shangri La. This singer has been around the world twice, on every continent, and both poles. He has been married since 1978 and has one child.

After leaving the Navy, he worked for the City of Hudson, Electrical department from 1975-2002. Other jobs include, working in a greenhouse, cook's assistant, landscaper, electrician, air traffic controller, general contractor for Habitat for Humanity and floor maintaenance shift manager.

This man's hobbies are landscaping, building things of wood, water and oil painting, counted cross stitch, crewel work and drawing floor plans.

He has received numerous awards from the Chapter and held various offices. (That's as much of a clue as you get on that subject).

Director's Clinic

On Saturday, May 23, our Chapter will be hosting the CDWI (Chorus Director's Workshop Intensive.) There will be two trainers attending and several area directors will be here for training. Our own Scott Giles and Dan Nichols will be among them. Our chorus will be serving as the "directees", so we need everybody to be there, ready to sing, by 11:45 on May 23. The location is at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, our normal rehearsal site, and the time is 12:00-4:00. There will be many opportunities for singers, as well as directors, to get performance improving tips, so we hope to see you there.

Singing For Subway?

Maybe you have seen, on TV, the recent "$5 Footlong" commercials by Subway. They have very short video clips of people singing a portion of the jingle. Maybe you also noticed that one of those clips shows a barbershop quartet. Maybe you didn't know that the quartet is "Antique Gold", a group based in Vancouver, BC. They also were Canada's first world Senior Champions of the BHS in 2006.

Subway has a website to promote this ad and it allows you to view each clip in it's entirety. You can also rate each performance on a scale from 0-10. The BHS and The Bulletin urge you to visit this site and rate Antique Gold. Just click on the "Subway" link in the Hot Links at the top right of today's bulletin page.

Quartet Visit

On Wednesday, May 6, Clear Choice made a visit to the vocal music department at Firestone High School. The quartet presented them with a monetary donation on behalf of the chapter and spent about 50 minutes with their men's chorus, talking about and demonstrating the barbershop style. Firestone is a Fine Arts magnet school, so the talent level is very high. The chorus began by singing "Fun In Just One Lifetime". They have learned this song to perform in their upcoming show. They were excellent.

The quartet then sang some barbershop songs alone and with members of the Firestone chorus. 2010 show chairman, Jim Elliott, a member of Clear Choice, plans to stay in contact with this group about possibly including a quartet or the full chorus in our show next year. There certainly is a lot of good singing going on at area schools.

For The Good Of The Order

What better way to finish this bulletin issue than with some excellent barbershop harmony. Here you go!!