Monday, March 22, 2010

March 2010, #2

Another Opening, Another Show

Well, another successful show has come and gone. A magnificent job of planning and preparation by many chapter members and hours of work, both on and off the risers by the entire chorus, bore fruit once again. The audiences on Friday and Saturday were very enthusiastic and , by their applause, showed that they fully enjoyed the variety of presentations in this production. The chorus, all the Chapter quartets and of course our special guests, Bustin' Loose and Our Town appealed to those long time barbershop fans, and provided a fresh view of our hobby to audience members that were not sure what barbershop was all about. Also our MC, Tom Gentry, did a masterful job of keeping the show flowing from start to finish. How can we top this next year? Stay tuned.


What O. C. Cash Forgot To Tell Us

Advice to newly formed quartets; don't ask for requests. You'll never know it.

Advice to newly formed quartets; never challenge a heckler to come up and sing it better. He or she will.

Advice to newly formed quartets; a pitchpipe makes an excellent medium-range weapon.

Chorus progress is made on alternate meeting nights.

    The bass section: never needlessly disturb a thing at rest.

    The easiest way to find your misplaced pitchpipe is to buy a new one.

    No matter how many rooms in the headquarters hotel, the guy who starts up his car at 5 am is always parked under your window.

    Sound-judges will believe anything if you whisper it.

    Choruses who don't work at what they've learned from post-contest A & R sessions will repeat those mistakes. Those who do work at it will find other ways to err.

    Singing lead is as much attitude as it is technique.



David Breen 4/3
Oscar Fraley 4/12
Scott Giles 4/12


Getting To Know Us

Check the "Featured Chapter" link in the "Hot Links" list at the top right of this Bulletin page to visit this issue's group of barbershoppers.


Featured Video

Since the Gospel Chorus was a welcome addition to our annual show this year, it seems appropriate to feature a great gospel quartet in this issue. If these guys could only find a bass. (you'll see what I mean)


Guten "Tag"

Continuing in the Gospel music theme (Easter is approaching), here is a multi-tracked version of "The Old Rugged Cross".


Upcoming Events

Tuesday: March 23; Open House -7:30 ( Wear Red Chorus Shirts)

Saturday: April 10; JAD prelims-Chorus Contest-11:00am


Monday, March 8, 2010

March, 2010, #1

Chapter Welcomes Visitors

We have been fortunate to have some very special visitors at recent rehearsals. A quartet of young men from Miller South School were with us on February 23. They are playing the roles of the School Board in a production of The Music Man. The four also joined us on the risers to experience what it's like to sing in a barbershop chorus.

In addition, Rob Churgovich came by to do a coaching session aimed at improving our show performance. Rob is the lead for current JAD champion quartet, 4-Way Stop. We were able to observe a wide spectrum of barbershop, from the pre-high school level where the future lies, to the polished, competition-tested knowledge of a member of a championship quartet. Thanks to Matt, D'Angelo, Aiden, Gavin and Rob for spicing up our Tuesday evening.



Tom Andrjwski- 3/13
Tom Duplaga- 3/14
Scott Foltz- 3/15

Vic Estafen- 3/16
Jack Huggins- 3/16
Terry Arman- 3/17

Paradise Coastmen Annual Show

On Saturday, March 6, Sue and I attended the 35th annual show of The Paradise Coastmen, the Naples, FL BHS Chapter. In an earlier Bulletin issue, I reported on a visit that I made to one of this groups rehearsals. At that time they were working hard in preparation for this show. You may recognize the name of their Director. Steve Jamison is a well-known director, contest judge and arranger. He is also currently the Chairman of the BHS Contest and Judging Committee.

The title of this show was " Red, White and Green". It featured Irish music written by American composers. There are certainly a lot of great songs that fit into that category. As is often the case, the chorus opened and closed the show. In between, we were treated to a variety of musical entertainment. There were three Chapter quartets, "Zoom", a very talented Sweet Adelines quartet, two sisters who performed Irish dances, a bagpiper who led the audience back from intermission, and a young lady who played Irish tunes on her fiddle. And of course there was the featured quartet, "Our Town", the headliners for our own show later this month.

We got to talk with the members of "Our Town" for a while after the show. I asked them to say hello for me when they get to Akron, and I told them that I hoped that it would be 75 deg. when they got there(but not to count on it). It turned out to be one of those "right time at the right place" moments. The parents of "Our Town" lead singer, Scott Brannon, had come to this show. The quartet invited Sue and I to go outside for an impromptu concert. They serenaded Scott's mom and dad (and us) with two new songs that they are working on. I have no doubt that the Akron audiences will love "Our Town". Their song selection and presentation, mixed with a little humor, results in a great performance.

Even though I won't be there for our show, I was glad to see a little segmen
t of it this year.


St. Patrick's Day

Since this holiday will occur before the next Bulletin is published, here is a brief video that will help you to understand some of the history of St. Patrick's Day.


What O.C. Cash Forgot To Tell Us

  • The guy who says that Stage Presence is an easy, risk-free way to get added contest points should be shot. Twice!

  • There is nothing wrong with being seen by the Chorus Director while looking at your watch...try to avoid his seeing you shaking it.

  • All choruses have chaos...the successful ones are those who hide this fact from the judges, at least most of the time.

  • Leads; the longer a song is, the higher the probability that the tag will be in your comfort zone.

  • Wear white pants to all chorus rehearsals. No one will ever ask you to help with the risers.

  • A correctly delivered relative third never needs to be sharpened, brightened or sung on the high side.

  • Volunteer to be the chorus pitchpipe person. You'll never again have to sing a song outside of your range.

  • I'd like to live long enough to see; a quartet who could sing the phrase "gonna build a little home for two, or three, or four or more" without using their fingers as counters.

  • I'd like to live long enough to see; a chorus who could sing the phrase "strolling/walking down the lane" without sweeping their many right arms from stage left to stage right.

  • Your favorite song, on your favorite barbershop CD, will always come out of your car speaker when you reach your destination.


Getting To Know Us

Check the "Featured Chorus" link in the Hot Links(top right of this page).

Our Town Preview

Our Town did this song at the Naples show. I wouldn't be surprised that you will hear it at the Akron show.