Giving Thanks
For the hay and the corn and the wheat that is reaped,
For the labor well done, and the barns that are heaped,
For the sun and the dew and the sweet honeycomb,
For the rose and the song and the harvest brought home --
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
For the trade and the skill and the wealth in our land,
For the cunning and strength of the workingman's hand,
For the good that our artists and poets have taught,
For the friendship that hope and affection have brought --
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
For the homes that with purest affection are blest,
For the season of plenty and well-deserved rest,
For our country extending from sea unto sea;
The land that is known as the "Land of the Free" --
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
For the hay and the corn and the wheat that is reaped,
For the labor well done, and the barns that are heaped,
For the sun and the dew and the sweet honeycomb,
For the rose and the song and the harvest brought home --
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
For the trade and the skill and the wealth in our land,
For the cunning and strength of the workingman's hand,
For the good that our artists and poets have taught,
For the friendship that hope and affection have brought --
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
For the homes that with purest affection are blest,
For the season of plenty and well-deserved rest,
For our country extending from sea unto sea;
The land that is known as the "Land of the Free" --
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
'Tis The Season
Tuesday night rehearsals have begun to take on a definite Holiday feeling. Because of all of the performances that we have scheduled from late November through mid-December, we have begun to polish up our Christmas repertoire. As you can tell from the photo on the right, even the chorus "reindeer" have made an early appearance. The scheduled sing-outs are listed below. All are encouraged to participate, and as always, there are sign-up sheets on the table at rehearsals.
Saturday 11/ 28: Sing at Salvation Army Kettle, Summit Mall, 1-3
Saturday, 12/5: Copley Place, sing at 2:00
Sunday, 12/6: Sing at Terry Arman's church, between 3 and 5 (more details to come)
Monday, 12/7: Fox 8 News Morning Show, 7:30-9:00
Saturday, 12/12: Annual Business Meeting and Christmas Party, St. Joseph's Family Center, 7:00-open bar, 8:00-dinner
Tuesday, 12/15, Barberton Moose, sing from 6:45-7:30

Tuesday night rehearsals have begun to take on a definite Holiday feeling. Because of all of the performances that we have scheduled from late November through mid-December, we have begun to polish up our Christmas repertoire. As you can tell from the photo on the right, even the chorus "reindeer" have made an early appearance. The scheduled sing-outs are listed below. All are encouraged to participate, and as always, there are sign-up sheets on the table at rehearsals.
Saturday 11/ 28: Sing at Salvation Army Kettle, Summit Mall, 1-3
Saturday, 12/5: Copley Place, sing at 2:00
Sunday, 12/6: Sing at Terry Arman's church, between 3 and 5 (more details to come)
Monday, 12/7: Fox 8 News Morning Show, 7:30-9:00
Saturday, 12/12: Annual Business Meeting and Christmas Party, St. Joseph's Family Center, 7:00-open bar, 8:00-dinner
Tuesday, 12/15, Barberton Moose, sing from 6:45-7:30
Belated Halloween Pictures
At the October 27 rehearsal, two of our Chapter members showed their Halloween spirit (no pun intended) by attending in costume. Their pictures were inadvertently omitted from the last Bulletin issue, so we will now remedy that situation.
(as usual, you can click on the collages to enlarge them)
Robin Reid

Vic Estafen

Maybe next year, we can encourage more men to wear costumes to the rehearsal before Halloween and have a judging of the best ones. Let's keep that in mind.
Speaking of Halloween.... Why do many turn-of-the-century Halloween cards show the word as Hallowe'en?
The first correct explanation emailed to will earn the sender a special Halloween prize
__ ______________________________________________________
(as usual, you can click on the collages to enlarge them)
Robin Reid

Vic Estafen

Maybe next year, we can encourage more men to wear costumes to the rehearsal before Halloween and have a judging of the best ones. Let's keep that in mind.
Speaking of Halloween.... Why do many turn-of-the-century Halloween cards show the word as Hallowe'en?
The first correct explanation emailed to will earn the sender a special Halloween prize
__ ______________________________________________________
Getting To Know Us
This mystery chorus member has been a barbershopper for 26 years, having been a member of the Lawton, OK chapter, the Cleveland East Suburbanaires, and for the last 12 years, the Derbytown Chorus.
He was born in Salem, OH and lived in Lisbon, OH through high school. Then came four years at The Ohio State University, two years in the U.S. Army and eight years in the world of work near Chicago, IL. He then moved back to Ohio . He is married and has two children.
Music has always been an important part of his life. His grandmother lived with his family and played the piano almost every day. His mother played the violin and both parents liked to sing. He took many piano and organ lessons as a young man and sang in the church choir. He also played trombone in his high school band and began playing regularly as a church organist during his junior year.
His main occupations have been Quality Engineer, Reliability Engineer and Software Quality Engineer. During his army service, he was a lieutenant in Army Field Artillery at Fort Sill, OK and South Korea. One engineering job with Johnson and Johnson provided his family with free disposable diapers during the year when his first daughter was born.
Hobbies outside of barbershop center on participation in church choirs and being a church organist.
This barbershopper's identity will be revealed in the 12/ 14 Bulletin issue.
G. Dwight Dieckman-12/10
He was born in Salem, OH and lived in Lisbon, OH through high school. Then came four years at The Ohio State University, two years in the U.S. Army and eight years in the world of work near Chicago, IL. He then moved back to Ohio . He is married and has two children.
Music has always been an important part of his life. His grandmother lived with his family and played the piano almost every day. His mother played the violin and both parents liked to sing. He took many piano and organ lessons as a young man and sang in the church choir. He also played trombone in his high school band and began playing regularly as a church organist during his junior year.
His main occupations have been Quality Engineer, Reliability Engineer and Software Quality Engineer. During his army service, he was a lieutenant in Army Field Artillery at Fort Sill, OK and South Korea. One engineering job with Johnson and Johnson provided his family with free disposable diapers during the year when his first daughter was born.
Hobbies outside of barbershop center on participation in church choirs and being a church organist.
This barbershopper's identity will be revealed in the 12/ 14 Bulletin issue.
Melrose Apples
G. Dwight Dieckman-12/10
Barbershop Glossary
Resonators-Any of the parts and cavities of the vocal instrument that acoustically reinforce sound. Principal resonators are the throat and the mouth, with sympathetic vibrations in the upper chest and nasal area. (Alternate definition: The band fronted by Cleveland's own Michael Stanley)
Synchronization-Precision in singing which includes attacks and releases of words, uniformity of word sounds and rhythmic exactness.
Tone-A musical sound having a definite pitch and regularity of vibration rate. Also the interval between two notes comprised of two semi-tones. (ex., C and D are a tone apart)
Tremelo-Excessively wide or fast vibrato that leads to a loss of a distinct sense of central pitch. Usually caused by poor breath support and a faulty control of singing muscles.
Vibrato-A regular, periodic pitch oscillation above and below a tonal center. A natural phenomenon when used with a minute variation in pitch to give warmth and color to the tone quality.
Vowel-A speech sound uttered with voice or whisper characterized by the resonance from the vocal cavities.
Synchronization-Precision in singing which includes attacks and releases of words, uniformity of word sounds and rhythmic exactness.
Tone-A musical sound having a definite pitch and regularity of vibration rate. Also the interval between two notes comprised of two semi-tones. (ex., C and D are a tone apart)
Tremelo-Excessively wide or fast vibrato that leads to a loss of a distinct sense of central pitch. Usually caused by poor breath support and a faulty control of singing muscles.
Vibrato-A regular, periodic pitch oscillation above and below a tonal center. A natural phenomenon when used with a minute variation in pitch to give warmth and color to the tone quality.
Vowel-A speech sound uttered with voice or whisper characterized by the resonance from the vocal cavities.
Missing Links?
If you have not been regularly using the links listed at the top upper right of the Bulletin page, you should check them out. They are:
The importance of the first two should be obvious, since they deal directly with the activities of our own Chapter. The others are designed to give you access to what is happening in the general world of barbershop. Here is a little tease showing some of the topics available now at these sites.
JAD- Leadership Academy (formerly COTS) in January; scoring summaries from the Fall JAD Contest; report on trends in District membership; District officer job description
BHS Home-Webcast of Champions (Ambassadors of Harmony); Actor and barbershopper Micah Sloat talks about the horror movie Paranormal Activity; Les Weiser, the Master of Harmony; Barbershop sets Guinness World Record for largest singing lesson; Buffalo Bills inducted into Buffalo Hall of Fame
Barbershop HQ Blog- International Seniors Quartet and 2010 International Chorus Competiton Order of Appearance, Success In Using Social Networking Tools, Making Sure Chapters Are Strong On Fundamentals
AHSOW-Woodshedding Defined; Education Programs; Becoming A Member Of AHSOW; Board Of Directors
JAD- Leadership Academy (formerly COTS) in January; scoring summaries from the Fall JAD Contest; report on trends in District membership; District officer job description
BHS Home-Webcast of Champions (Ambassadors of Harmony); Actor and barbershopper Micah Sloat talks about the horror movie Paranormal Activity; Les Weiser, the Master of Harmony; Barbershop sets Guinness World Record for largest singing lesson; Buffalo Bills inducted into Buffalo Hall of Fame
Barbershop HQ Blog- International Seniors Quartet and 2010 International Chorus Competiton Order of Appearance, Success In Using Social Networking Tools, Making Sure Chapters Are Strong On Fundamentals
AHSOW-Woodshedding Defined; Education Programs; Becoming A Member Of AHSOW; Board Of Directors
Memorizing A Song
Maybe your quartet has just started working on a new song. How about all the new songs that the chorus will learn for the 2010 Show? Learning a new song is a necessary part of being a barbershopper. The guide below, which was adapted from an article by Merrill Miller, Minneapolis Commodores, should make this process easier.
Memorization involves three aspects:(1) Commitment, (2) Method and (3)Formula
(1) Commitment-Nothing is memorized until and unless you decide to do it. Until you consciously try to commit it to memory, it won't happen. That's commitment.
Each of us has the same number of hours in the day to spend in some manner. Assign a priority to memorizing and put this activity ahead of something else. Give yourself a reasonable deadline.
(2) Method-here are some good ones (a) put the music down as soon and as often as possible when the song is being taught. (b) write the lyrics over and over until it can be done perfectly three times in a row. (c) record the song, then play it while driving, riding, waiting, etc.
(3) Formula-these should be helpful (a) learn the form first, e.g., intro-verse-chorus-tag; (b) pay particular attention to first words of phrases, ending words or preceding phrases; (c) learn the story line--how does it begin and end and what is the sequence of happenings; (d) identify which significant notes, words, swipes, etc., are repeated exactly in different places in the song and, conversely, what things happen differently in similar places; and finally (e) notice what other voices are doing when they are not using the same rhythm or words that you are
Memorization involves three aspects:(1) Commitment, (2) Method and (3)Formula
(1) Commitment-Nothing is memorized until and unless you decide to do it. Until you consciously try to commit it to memory, it won't happen. That's commitment.
Each of us has the same number of hours in the day to spend in some manner. Assign a priority to memorizing and put this activity ahead of something else. Give yourself a reasonable deadline.
(2) Method-here are some good ones (a) put the music down as soon and as often as possible when the song is being taught. (b) write the lyrics over and over until it can be done perfectly three times in a row. (c) record the song, then play it while driving, riding, waiting, etc.
(3) Formula-these should be helpful (a) learn the form first, e.g., intro-verse-chorus-tag; (b) pay particular attention to first words of phrases, ending words or preceding phrases; (c) learn the story line--how does it begin and end and what is the sequence of happenings; (d) identify which significant notes, words, swipes, etc., are repeated exactly in different places in the song and, conversely, what things happen differently in similar places; and finally (e) notice what other voices are doing when they are not using the same rhythm or words that you are
Annual Business Meeting/Christmas Party
The ABM/CP will be held on Saturday, December 12 at St. Joseph's Family Center, 600 West Exchange Street, Akron, OH. Members attendance is paid for by the Chapter. Cost for guests is $23. Open bar begins at 7:00, followed by dinner at 8:00. The dinner will be served and will be from a fixed menu. Watch for additional information online and at rehearsals. There is a sign-up sheet on the table at rehearsals.
The ABM/CP will be held on Saturday, December 12 at St. Joseph's Family Center, 600 West Exchange Street, Akron, OH. Members attendance is paid for by the Chapter. Cost for guests is $23. Open bar begins at 7:00, followed by dinner at 8:00. The dinner will be served and will be from a fixed menu. Watch for additional information online and at rehearsals. There is a sign-up sheet on the table at rehearsals.