Happy New Year
Hogmanay :
The New Year in Scotland is called Hogmanay. The people in Scotland follow a ritual that appears nutty but actually has a great significance. One can find barrels of tar set afire and gradually rolled down the streets in the villages of Scotland. This ritual symbolizes that the old year is burned up and New Year is going to begin.

Jack Kunklier- 1/1
Editor's Note: If your birthday is January 1st, shouldn't you get your name on a bowl game?
Baby New Year Tradition :
The tradition of using a baby to signify the New Year was started around 600 B.C by the ancient Greeks, who, at the start of a year would carry a baby around in a basket. The purpose of it was to honor Dionysus, the God of Fertility and symbolize his annual rebirth.
Quartet Activities
The Summit Chordsmen

Eating 12 Grapes :
In Spain people eat 12 grapes as the clock strikes midnight (one each time the clock chimes) on New Year's Eve. This peculiar ritual originated in the twentieth century when freak weather conditions resulted in an unseasonable bumper harvest of grapes. Not able to decide what to do about so many grapes at Christmas time, the King of Spain and the grape growers came up with the idea of the New Year ritual. Now, if only this happened all around the world...
Eating 12 Grapes :
In Spain people eat 12 grapes as the clock strikes midnight (one each time the clock chimes) on New Year's Eve. This peculiar ritual originated in the twentieth century when freak weather conditions resulted in an unseasonable bumper harvest of grapes. Not able to decide what to do about so many grapes at Christmas time, the King of Spain and the grape growers came up with the idea of the New Year ritual. Now, if only this happened all around the world...
First Night
The Derbytown Chorus will again be part of the First Night Celebration in Akron. This is the 14th year for First Night, and our Chorus has been there every year.
We will sing at 9:00 at Greystone Hall, 103 S. High St., Akron. Be at the hall at 8:15 for warm-up. We will be wearing tux shirts and tux pants, red vests and red ties, tux shoes with black socks. As always, be alert for announcements at rehearsals and in the High Notes and the Bulletin about any changes or requirements.
Eating Noodles :
Late on the evening of December 31, people of Japan would eat a bowl of buckwheat noodles called "toshikoshisoba" ("year-crossing noodles") and listen for the sound of the Buddhist temple bells, which were rung 108 times at midnight. The sound of these bells is said to purify the listeners of the 108 sins or evil passions that plague every human being.
We will sing at 9:00 at Greystone Hall, 103 S. High St., Akron. Be at the hall at 8:15 for warm-up. We will be wearing tux shirts and tux pants, red vests and red ties, tux shoes with black socks. As always, be alert for announcements at rehearsals and in the High Notes and the Bulletin about any changes or requirements.
Eating Noodles :
Late on the evening of December 31, people of Japan would eat a bowl of buckwheat noodles called "toshikoshisoba" ("year-crossing noodles") and listen for the sound of the Buddhist temple bells, which were rung 108 times at midnight. The sound of these bells is said to purify the listeners of the 108 sins or evil passions that plague every human being.
Bulletin On The Move
This issue of the Bulletin is being sent to you from a section of cyberspace that is in the vicinity of Harmony, NC. Editor Bill, his wife Sue, and Wickett the Wonderdog are on their way to Florida for the winter. The six Bulletin issues for January, February and March will originate in Bonita Springs, FL. Thanks to technology, this isn't as much of a change as it might seem to be.
I do request that any story ideas, chorus information and especially pictures that you think might be good to include in the Bulletin be emailed to
Thank you in advance for your help and I'll see you when the snow has disappeared from Ohio.
Gifts in Shoes :
In Greece children leave their shoes by the fireside on New Year's Day (also the Festival of Saint Basil in Greece) with the hope that Saint Basil, who was famous for his kindness, will come and fill their shoes with gifts.
Gifts in Shoes :
In Greece children leave their shoes by the fireside on New Year's Day (also the Festival of Saint Basil in Greece) with the hope that Saint Basil, who was famous for his kindness, will come and fill their shoes with gifts.
Best Song Ever?
The BHS is conducting a vote to pick the best song ever performed at contest. You can participate by clicking on the BHS Home link at the top right of this Bulletin page. Then look in the "Latest News Items" list and click on the one that reads "Vote For The Best Song Ever In A Barbershop Contest". All information and procedures will be explained.
Times Square Celebrations :
The first Ball Lowering celebration atop One Times Square was held on December 31, 1907 and is now a worldwide symbol of the turn of the New Year, seen via satellite by more than one billion people each year. The original New Year's Eve Ball weighed 700 pounds and was 5 feet in diameter. It was made of iron and wood and was decorated with 100 25-watt light bulbs
Times Square Celebrations :
The first Ball Lowering celebration atop One Times Square was held on December 31, 1907 and is now a worldwide symbol of the turn of the New Year, seen via satellite by more than one billion people each year. The original New Year's Eve Ball weighed 700 pounds and was 5 feet in diameter. It was made of iron and wood and was decorated with 100 25-watt light bulbs
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