Hall Of Fame Induction

Next month, Akron Chapter member, world-renowned arranger, and fellow baritone, Tom Gentry, will be inducted in the Barbershop Hall of Fame in Germany. Congratulations, in advance, to Tom. Watch for more details on this story in the March Bulletin.

Next month, Akron Chapter member, world-renowned arranger, and fellow baritone, Tom Gentry, will be inducted in the Barbershop Hall of Fame in Germany. Congratulations, in advance, to Tom. Watch for more details on this story in the March Bulletin.
February Birthdays
Wil Veith- 2/5
Bud Couts- 2/8
Mike Sitter- 2/10
Richard Mull- 2/14
V. Frank Pittman- 2/14
Bill Trumpold- 2/20
John Bracht- 2/21
John Rohal- 2/24
Spike Hudson- 2/26
Rich Gintert- 2/28
Wil Veith- 2/5
Bud Couts- 2/8
Mike Sitter- 2/10
Richard Mull- 2/14
V. Frank Pittman- 2/14
Bill Trumpold- 2/20
John Bracht- 2/21
John Rohal- 2/24
Spike Hudson- 2/26
Rich Gintert- 2/28
2012 Show Songs
Some Of What I've Been Up To Lately
Recently, in an email conversation with Mike Sitter, I talked a little bit about what I had been doing, musically, down here in SW Florida. He suggested putting some of that information in the Bulletin. So, here goes:
Each Tuesday, the choir here at our RV park practices from 2:00-4:00. It's an SATB choir, this is my third year and I sing tenor with this group. ( not too far removed from a barbershop bari part). Other than having fun, our main focus is to prepare some songs for the big park variety show in March. Last year we did medleys from The Music Man and Carousel. This year, it's a medley from The Sound of Music. Then the men are doing "There is Nothing Like A Dame" from South Pacific and the women are doing a very bluesy number called "Men". Our director was a high school vocal instructor for 35 years. He is great to work with, but pushes us enough to get good results.
On Wednesday, the jam sessions that I started in 2010 are held from 3:00-5:00. Musicians from the park come down and we just come up with songs and figure out how to play them. Basically it comes down to picking a key and having at least one person in the group who knows the lyrics. We do a couple of songs for the variety show also and provide accompaniment for some of the other performers. We have 8 regulars now (4 guitars, keyboard, harmonica, baritone ukelele and drums)
I haven't been singing any barbershop here. The baritone ukelele player in our jam band also sings bass in our choir and with the Naples BHS chapter, The Paradise Coastmen. Sue and I attend their show in March each year.
So, I'm keeping my voice in shape and working on the learning tracks for our show too. There is still lots of time to see the sights and relax in the warm weather that we have had this year. Looking forward to seeing all of you sometime in April.
Last Thursday, our jam band provided 2 hours of music for a happy hour (plus 1) at the tiki hut, next to the pool. Here is a sample of that performance. Since half of our musicians are French-Canadians, I found out that baby boomers from Quebec are familiar with Hank Williams Sr. too.
Each Tuesday, the choir here at our RV park practices from 2:00-4:00. It's an SATB choir, this is my third year and I sing tenor with this group. ( not too far removed from a barbershop bari part). Other than having fun, our main focus is to prepare some songs for the big park variety show in March. Last year we did medleys from The Music Man and Carousel. This year, it's a medley from The Sound of Music. Then the men are doing "There is Nothing Like A Dame" from South Pacific and the women are doing a very bluesy number called "Men". Our director was a high school vocal instructor for 35 years. He is great to work with, but pushes us enough to get good results.
On Wednesday, the jam sessions that I started in 2010 are held from 3:00-5:00. Musicians from the park come down and we just come up with songs and figure out how to play them. Basically it comes down to picking a key and having at least one person in the group who knows the lyrics. We do a couple of songs for the variety show also and provide accompaniment for some of the other performers. We have 8 regulars now (4 guitars, keyboard, harmonica, baritone ukelele and drums)
I haven't been singing any barbershop here. The baritone ukelele player in our jam band also sings bass in our choir and with the Naples BHS chapter, The Paradise Coastmen. Sue and I attend their show in March each year.
So, I'm keeping my voice in shape and working on the learning tracks for our show too. There is still lots of time to see the sights and relax in the warm weather that we have had this year. Looking forward to seeing all of you sometime in April.
Last Thursday, our jam band provided 2 hours of music for a happy hour (plus 1) at the tiki hut, next to the pool. Here is a sample of that performance. Since half of our musicians are French-Canadians, I found out that baby boomers from Quebec are familiar with Hank Williams Sr. too.