Veteran's Day
On Tuesday, Nov. 11th, we celebrate Veteran's Day. On that day, we honor all men and women, both living and deceased, who have served their country in the armed forces. In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11th as Armistice Day. This was to commemorate the end of World War I at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. In 1954, Congress changed the day to Veteran's Day.
Show Committee Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Show Committee on November 17th, at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held at Goss Memorial Church, 2247 11th Street S.W., Akron, Ohio.
Annual Dinner Meeting
Here is another reminder about the Annual Dinner Meeting. This year, we will gather at Anthe's on the Lake, 4315 Manchester Road, on Saturday, December 13th. A cash bar will open at 6:00 and dinner will be at 7:00. Chapter members are free and guests are $25.(Note: This is a $5 increase from the price quoted earlier) There are three menu choices: lemon herb chicken, swiss steak, or broiled scrod. The deadline to sign up is December 2nd. We will also be awarding BOTY that night so fill out your ballot forms soon.
Strange Sightings
Seriously, enjoying the Halloween spirit are (l to r), John Lilley, Vic Estafen and Bill Halter.

The three "guests" in the picture below showed up at rehearsal on October 28th. Maybe we should be more selective when we hand out those Chapter cards.
Seriously, enjoying the Halloween spirit are (l to r), John Lilley, Vic Estafen and Bill Halter.

Happy Birthday!
Jim Regallis 11/16
Frank Andrews 11/22
Nick Rothermel 11/22
Society Video Tags
Jim Regallis 11/16
Frank Andrews 11/22
Nick Rothermel 11/22
Society Video Tags
The BHS has started an online program that teaches tags, using video clips. Here is an example below, featuring James Estes. James visited our chapter a couple of years ago.
JAD and BHS Links
If you haven't been checking the links at the upper right hand corner of the bulletin page, you may be overlooking some important information. JAD and BHS information is not usually included in the bi-monthly bulletin because you can get it through these links. For example, the JAD site currently includes: (1) a discussion of COTS (not called COTS anymore) that is coming up in January (2) an article about Cadillac Jack, our District quartet champs and much more. The BHS website has sometimes been down recently, so if you try to go there and nothing happens, try again later.
The Songs We Sing
You Are My Sunshine
You Are My Sunshine
This song was first recorded in 1939, by The Pine Ridge Boys. It was a
country song at that time, but has taken on many other identities over the years, including of course, barbershop. If you want to check out some versions of this song on YouTube, look for the duet of Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan, the Ray Charles blues version and a Doris Day polka rendition.
Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell are the credited songwriters of "You Are My Sunshine". Davis bought the song and rights from Paul Rice and put his name on it. This was not unusual in the pre-WWII music business. When Jimmie Davis ran for governor of Louisiana, he played up his connection to the song, singing it at all his rallies while riding a horse named "Sunshine". Maybe it helped because he served as governor from 1944-1948.
Here is a video of of a fictitious, western swing group called Jimmy Wakely and the Sunshine Girls in 1940, doing their version of the song.
Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell are the credited songwriters of "You Are My Sunshine". Davis bought the song and rights from Paul Rice and put his name on it. This was not unusual in the pre-WWII music business. When Jimmie Davis ran for governor of Louisiana, he played up his connection to the song, singing it at all his rallies while riding a horse named "Sunshine". Maybe it helped because he served as governor from 1944-1948.
Here is a video of of a fictitious, western swing group called Jimmy Wakely and the Sunshine Girls in 1940, doing their version of the song.
Tribute to John Williams
Chapter member Mike Halter brought the following video to the attention of the bulletin. Hope that you enjoy it as much as we did.
Watch for the next issue of the bulletin on November 24.
If you have information that you would like to have included in the bulletin, send it to or give it to Bill Halter at rehearsal.
If you have information that you would like to have included in the bulletin, send it to or give it to Bill Halter at rehearsal.