Monday, December 22, 2008

December, 2008, #2

Christmas Issue 2008
What Fun It Is To Sing During The Holidays!

December Business Meeting/Dinner

On Saturday, December 13, we gathered at Anthe's at the Lake for the Annual December Business Meeting/Dinner. The total attendance (chapter members and guests) was 87. Thanks to Jim Elliott for his work organizing and coordinating this event. After a delicious meal, it was time for the business part of the evening.
The feature event of the night was the awarding of the 2008 Larry Neal Memorial Award, also known as the Barbershopper of the Year (BOTY) Award. Last year's winner, Jerry Mason, announced the winner of the award to be Kirk Roose, director of the Derbytown Chorus. Congratulations, Kirk and thank you for all your work on behalf of our Chapter, our District and our Society. (Note: Kirk could not be at the dinner. The bulletin will include a picture of Kirk and his award in a later issue.)
The 2009 Board members were also offic
ially installed during the meeting. Congratulations to all new and returning members of the Board and good wishes for a successful year. Special congratulations to Wil Veith, our 2009 President. Also, a large thank you to Ray Stone for his multiple-year tenure as President.
The evening concluded with singing by the chorus and chapter quartets. A very appropriate finish to a great event.

We're On The Move

In January of 2009, we will be moving to a new rehearsal location. Tuesday, January 13 will be our first rehearsal at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 50 North Prospect Street, Akron. In preparation for this move, a group of chapter members met at Saint Bernard's on Saturday morning, December 13, to organize and sort our chapter inventory of music and equipment. The next item on the agenda is the actual moving of these materials, which will take place on Saturday, January 10. All chapter members are invited to participate in this job. The more, the merrier. Who knows? There might even be singing (Hi, Ho.......).

First Night

On Wednesday, December 31, The Akron Derbytown Chorus will sing at Saint Bernard's Church as part of the 13th Akron First Night Celebration. We sing from 9:00 pm to 9:50 pm. The chorus has been involved in every First Night. The uniform of the evening is TUXEDO. Please be there, dressed and ready to warm-up at 8:15. There is a sign-up sheet at rehearsals.

BOTM For November

Congratulations to Stan Martin for being selected as Barbershopper of the Month for November, 2008. Stan coordinated the chorus participation in the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign at Chapel Hill Mall and also played a major role in our assessment of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church as a potential rehearsal location.

Ten Ways To Help Your Chapter

(11-20 of the total list of 100)

11. Take your camera to chorus functions, and turn in the pictures to your history book/scrapbook person.

12. Subscribe to the "Harmonet," print out hints & suggestions that look applicable to your chorus and pass them on.

13. Talk to two or three people (before, during break or after rehearsal) that you normally don't talk to.

14. When you are at social gatherings, quartet performances, etc., always talk about your chapter; you never know where your next guest might be.

15. Surprise an ill member with a card or a phone call. Call an absent member, and let them know you missed them.

16. Offer to clean the chapter's storage facility or update the inventory.

17. Keep your comments to yourself concerning choreography and costumes, especially when on the risers.

18. Learn your part (words, notes, choreography, stage presentation) early so you can help the slow learners & new people.

19. Offer to carpool with others when possible.

20. Learn to use a pitch-pipe, and then memorize the keys to songs in the chorus repertoire.


Ed Crosley 12/27

Mike Neff 12/27
Jim El
liott 1/11
Jim Wolfe 1/11

Chapter Quartet News

Many singing groups find themselves in demand during the holidays. Clear Choice, one of our chapter quartets has been very busy. The quartet includes: Dan Nichols, tenor; Ray Stone, lead; Jim Elliott, bass; Bill Halter, baritone. Here are some of their recents "gigs".

Friday, November 28- John S. Knight Center, Akr
on, entertaining at the Annual Akron Children's Hospital Christmas Tree Festival

Saturday, November 29- Barberton Holiday Kick-Off for the Salvation Army. Sang a few songs at the gazebo on the shores of Lake Anna; did a 30 minute show for about 250 people at the Magic Theater in downtown Barberton; finished the evening by singing at the Red Kettle near the Salvation Army headquarters.

Friday, December 12- sang at a luncheon for Hudson city employees at the American Legion Hall in Hudson.

Friday, December 19- did a 30 minute show for employees of The Crystal Clinic (about 350 people) at Guy's Party Center, Akron.

Christmas Wishes From The Bulletin Staff

Editor: Barry Tone

Reporter: Bob R. Shoppe

Cub Reporter: Eugene "Pitch" Pipe

For all those who enjoy singing, this time of year is especially full of joy. All of us on the bulletin staff want to wish all Derbytown barbershoppers and friends of the chorus a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The next bulletin issue will be on Monday, January 12 and will originate from North Fort Myers, Florida. Information and pictures that you would like to have included in future bulletin issues can still be sent to the bulletin email address,

Christmas Music

In this special Christmas issue, it seemed appropriate to include a variety of holiday music. The following items are not meant to overwhelm you. You can look at them all at one sitting or check them out over a period of time. The two phonograph clips are for those who remember when recorded music meant 78RPM, not MP3.

Storm Front

Spike Jones

Lindley Armstrong (Spike) Jones and his City Slickers were known for doing satirical versions of popular songs. This clip features the distinctive voice of George Rock.

Jimmy Boyd
Jimmy recorded this song just before his 13th birthday.

Bing Crosby

If you want to be an honorary bulletin "investigative" reporter, see if you can discover the name of the quartet that provides the male voices in the back-up vocals on Bing's 1942 recording. They had a rather varied and important career on their own. The only hint is these four words: Fibber McGee and Molly. The hint might mean more to the more mature members of the Chapter. If you can't find the answer, or if you just don't care, the answer will be in the next bulletin issue.

The Drifters
This recording features Bill Pinkney, lead bass and Clyde McPhatter, tenor. The very clever cartoon is the work of Joshua Held.