Have you purchased a card to send to your favorite Valentine(s)? The one shown above is an example of an early 1900's card. We have been sending greetings on Feb. 14 since the 1700's in this country. The tradition came here from Great Britain, where it flourished in the time of Chaucer. Of course, for barbershoppers, Valentine's Day brings thoughts of singing. So either in a quartet or just by yourself, make this Saturday special for someone with a serenade of one of the "old songs".

He first learned of the joy of making music in band class at Innes Jr. High. Singing for fun began in musicals at Kenmore High School. As a member of the youth choir at Akron Baptist Temple, he learned to lead and direct.
He has three children and three grandchildren and his main occupation was in transportation sales. He also worked as a trucking dispatcher, in office equipment sales and a weld machine operator.
His hobbies include golf as well as baseball history and collectibles. A life goal is to attend games in all 30 major league stadiums. He is at 17 and counting.
Where We Came From
Bad Business
Lead: How has your business been doing? I heard that you invested in a deli but it got into a jam and now you're in a pickle.Tenor: Not only that! My paper company folded. I put the money I had left into a company that manufactures brakes, but it looks like it's on the skids. It's depressing.
Bari: I know what you mean. I put money into a dry cleaning shop, but it washed out. Then my balloon company was a victim of inflation. I'm about ready to give up.
Bass: My bakery lost all of its dough and the bowling alley I bought was hit by strikes.
41. Teach a tag.
42. Write a tag, and then teach it.
43. Contribute to your chapter's charity fund.
44. Don't invite prospective members to a chorus rehearsal where the chorus will be spending three solid hours on the risers. Varied meetings/rehearsals are the key to pleasing everyone.
45. Learn show music quickly so it can be polished to contest standards.
46. Volunteer to help with another area of "show business" such as script writing, costuming, staging, emcee work, hosting, afterglow, etc.
47. Sell show tickets to as many friends, family members and strangers as possible.
48. Practice your facial expressions in a mirror.
49. Thank your women's auxiliary. (Should we form one?)
50. Take all side conversations out of the rehearsal hall.
The Songs We Sing
Love Me and
the World Is Mine
It is described in the Heritage of Harmony Songbook as having "unusual structure and fine poetry." Sigmund Spaeth called it a classic, and wrote that it is "a masterpiece in its economy of materials, giving singers the impression that they are covering a tremendous range, although it is actually less than an octave from the lowest to the highest note of the melody."
The music was composed by Ernest R. Ball, who also composed "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling," "Mother Machree," "Dear Little Boy Of Mine," and "Let The Rest Of The World Go By." Not much is known about David R. Reed, Jr., the man who wrote the words, except that he published songs and that many of these were sung in Broadway shows between 1894 and 1923.
When they collaborated on "Love Me And The World Is Mine" in 1906, Ball and Reed produced a fine song that all barbershop singers can enjoy.
-- from Macon, GA Sharptalk, Fred Hinesley, editor
Here are Ringmasters at the recent Youth Chorus Festival in Pasadena, singing "Love Me and the World is Mine". (I have to issue a Goosebump Alert on the new tag.)