A Return To Progressive Field

The top three electronic bulletins were:
Bulletin; Chapter; District; Score
In-Cider; Manhatten, KS; CSD; 1546
Upbeat; Hemet, CA ; FWD; 1365.75
And in 7th place;
The Derbytown Chorus Bulletin ; Akron. OH ; JAD; 1088.9
Participation in this contest provides a chance to see what other bulletin editors are doing, and also get feedback from the judges about what we are doing well and how we can improve.

Chinese Seventh-a dominant seventh chord voiced with the fifth in the bass and the root and the seventh in the top two voices, the higher note being the root
Alternate Chinese Seventh-a chord that is tainted with lead. Note: How you pronounce the last word of the previous sentence changes the definition.
Easybeat-a word used to group songs sung to a strict tempo, in a relaxed style.
Falsetto-the thin, upper range of the voice where only the extreme outer edges of the vocal folds vibrate.
Tonic Chord-a major triad built on the key (or root) note of any given scale. In the key of C major, the tonic chord is C-E-G.
Vowel-a speech sound uttered with voice or whisper characterized by the resonance from the vocal cavities.
Board Member At Large- is responsible for reflecting the membership's needs and desires to the Board.
Delegate-serves as the Chapter's representative in the District House of Delegates. Provides a two way communication link between the Chapter and the District.
In the past three bulletin issues, all 11 Chapter Officer descriptions have been outlined. Look them over and give serious consideration to stepping up to be an officer for 2010. The nominating committee is putting together a slate of officers and looking at a tentative date of Tuesday, September 15 to take any nominations from the floor. This would be done during our regular business meeting. The final slate of officers will then be presented to the membership for voting at the next business meeting on Tuesday, September 22. The new officers will be installed at our annual December business meeting/holiday dinner.
I Love You Truly/ A Perfect Day
Carrie Jacobs was born in Janesville, Wisconsin, in 1862 and experienced a number of misfortunes in her early life. Her father died when she was twelve.
Her husband, Dr. Frank Bond, died prematurely. A serious fall in 1895 left her an invalid with a young son. After a career attempt as an artist, she turned to songwriting to survive. Popular music publishers turned down her "art" songs, but she had early success with children's songs. To succeed as a songwriter she started her own publishing business, in a bedroom, financed by a song recital. Her first book, "Seven Songs," contained "I Love You Truly," a standard at weddings for many years, which survives today as a Valentine's Day ballad. Her most popular song was a huge hit in 1909, "A Perfect Day," selling five million copies. Carrie Jacobs-Bond received many awards and is recognized as an outstanding American woman composer. She retired to Hollywood and was interred at Fairlawn Court of Honor in 1946, following notables like the sculptor of Mt. Rushmore.
Chorus Performs At Summerville At Camelot Place

The Vagrants