What O. C. Cash Forgot To Tell Us
Advice to newly formed quartets; don't ask for requests. You'll never know it.
Advice to newly formed quartets; never challenge a heckler to come up and sing it better. He or she will.
Advice to newly formed quartets; a pitchpipe makes an excellent medium-range weapon.
Chorus progress is made on alternate meeting nights.
The bass section: never needlessly disturb a thing at rest.
The easiest way to find your misplaced pitchpipe is to buy a new one.
No matter how many rooms in the headquarters hotel, the guy who starts up his car at 5 am is always parked under your window.
Sound-judges will believe anything if you whisper it.
Choruses who don't work at what they've learned from post-contest A & R sessions will repeat those mistakes. Those who do work at it will find other ways to err.
Singing lead is as much attitude as it is technique.

David Breen 4/3
Oscar Fraley 4/12
Scott Giles 4/12
Since the Gospel Chorus was a welcome addition to our annual show this year, it seems appropriate to feature a great gospel quartet in this issue. If these guys could only find a bass. (you'll see what I mean)
Guten "Tag"
Saturday: April 10; JAD prelims-Chorus Contest-11:00am