After an Ohio winter with lots of snow and cold temperatures, it's nice to reach Spring, at least on the calendar. As with Mother Nature, we enjoy a new, fresh start with many exciting events on the schedule. It's as welcome as the flowers in May.

Who's That Up Front?
A large thank you goes out to Kirk Roose for his great job as our director. Kirk had asked to step back a little due to his very busy schedule. His hard work, inspiration and sense of humor have been a huge factor in the success of our chorus. We look forward to his continuing involvement and contributions.
It's Almost Show Time

After the robins show up, another sure sign of Spring is the start of baseball season. For the chorus, that includes a date to sing The National Anthem at Progressive Field on May 31 before the game between the Indians and the Yankees. We would like to have as many chapter members as possible be part of this special performance. Watch for announcements at rehearsals and in future bulletin issues relating to our big day at the ballpark.
Scott Giles April 12
71. Find a new member and let him "fifth-wheel" with you (Note: Fifth-wheeling is by invitation ONLY).
72. Greet a guest by name when it's obvious that you haven't read his name tag.
73. Try to refrain from joking, carping or otherwise interrupting while on the risers.
74. Realize that learning your part means learning all the interpretive planning, not just words and notes.
75. Take voice lessons or a voice class.
76. Perform every time you sing, even if the only audience is the wall. This will help the director and coaches to correct problems and give everyone around you a burst of energy.
77. Bring back as many handouts as possible from educational weekends/functions for the chorus administration/music team to go over.
78. Offer to help a member of your chapter with his dues or give a monetary gift to your treasurer to be used for a member who needs some help.
79. Encourage local youth to start a "harmony club." Form a high school boy's barbershop chorus. Assist local high school music directors with education of barbershop harmony.
Send a picture and article to your local newspaper.
Quiz Answers
In the last bulletin issue, chorus members were challenged to find the answers to the following questions: What was the name of the first quartet to record a barbershop song and where and when was it done? A prize of a year's subscription to the Derbytown Chorus Bulletin was offered for the first correct answers. Since there were no correct answers submitted, the prize will roll over to the next quiz. Here are the correct answers.
The Manhannsett Quartet at Thomas Edison's studio in Orange, NJ on September 27, 1891
( Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring)
Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring was recorded by The Four Freshmen and many others. Their version is included below. As you listen, you can imagine a young Brian Wilson listening to Four Freshmen recordings over and over while forming the sound that would become the signature of The Beach Boys. Actually, The Beach Boys used this song as the melody for "A Young Man Is Gone". The lyrics for "A Young Man Is Gone" were written by group member Mike Love, as a tribute to actor James Dean, who died in a car accident.
In concerts, The Beach Boys used Love's lyrics and Troup's original ones to demonstrate their vocal patterns to audiences.