81. If you find yourself with some free time, call your president and offer to help.
82. Donate a barbershop tape or CD to your local library.
83. Send a barbershop CD to a local radio station and ask for airplay.
84. Help set up blackboard/flip chart/dry erase board, whatever is used to teach craft during rehearsal.
85. Offer to coach quartets, teach music theory or give one-on-one vocal production instruction.
86. When offered a stick of gum or breath mint, accept it.
87. Stay "positive."
88. Learn to read music.
89. Lend a fellow member a barbershop tape or CD that they haven't heard.
90. Form an ad-hoc/pick-up quartet and sing for the chorus.
I Was Wondering.........
- Who wrote the Book of Love?
- The earliest work that translates into English with that title was penned by the Sufi Sadi in the 13th century. Rene of Anjou, King of Naples 1435-1480, wrote and illustrated his Book of Love some time after 1473 while living idly in Provence. Since then there have been over two dozen books published in English with that title.
Ray Stone 4/13
Allen Foltz 4/19
Larry Andrews 4/21
Quote of the Day
I think music itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music. Billy Joel
Getting To Know Us
This chapter member has been a barbershopper and a chapter member for three years. He was born in Erie, PA, but also lived in Columbus, OH. As a young man, he was in several bands, playing trombone. Chorus, choir and glee club provided lots of opportunities to sing. There was also participation in sports, mostly basketball. With all this, he still found time to work on the farm.
Our mystery member has 2 children. He has been a college professor and developed technical software for engineering applications. He also wrote taxes for H & R Block. His degrees include both an MS and a PhD in Mathematics and an MS in Computer Science.
This man's hobbies include; Sudoku, crosswords, reading in the history and technology fields, politics, tutoring, gardening and camping with the Scouts.
He is a past president of the Hudson BOE, a convention delegate, and a member of Jaycees, Rotary, and other civic organizations.
Not to give away any big hints, but this member says that he sings in the MOST FUN section of the chorus.
(Watch for the identity of this chapter member to be revealed in the 4/27 issue of the bulletin.)
The Songs We Sing
(In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree)
--by Fred Hinesley, editor, Macon, GA Sharptalk
While rummaging around in some of my old files, I recently found a copy of "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree." On the cover of this music there is an intriguing picture of a quartet (The Empire Quartette). Three members of the quartet appear to be typical gentlemen of the time when the music was published (1905). They are neatly attired in suits, ties, and hats. Their poses are relaxed, but they also appear to be serious and dignified. The fourth member (a baritone?) wears no tie and his bowler is pulled down to his ears. He needs a shave, and, judging from his faint grin and sleepy looking eyes, he might recently have had two or three drinks too many, or several late night gigs.
The picture makes it obvious that the Empire Quartette was a comedy group. It also seems likely that it was a popular quartet. Whoever thought of the pose certainly had a sense of humor. Almost a century after its publication, it still strikes me as funny.
It isn’t hard to imagine all sorts of hilarious scenarios involving the three well dressed guys and the bum. On the other hand, the song’s lyrics and music don’t seem to lend themselves to comedy.
No matter how it was performed, however, the song was destined to be a hit. The words were written by a Chicago native, Egbert Van Alstyne, and the music was composed by Harry Williams from Faribault, Minnesota. (Burg Szabo has pointed out that this was not the same Harry H. Williams who was one of the writers of "It’s a Long, Long Way to Tipperary.") Van Alstyne and Williams collaborated on several other songs (including "Won’t You Come Over to My House?" and "I’m Afraid to Come Out In the Dark.") "In The Shade of the Old Apple Tree," however, was their most successful publication.
It has remained a favorite during all of the years since its publication. When I joined SPEBSQSA in 1971, it was a Barberpole Cat number. Like most of the popular songs written around the turn of the century, it’s especially good for woodshedding.
If you don’t know this song, you can find it in the Heritage of Harmony Songbook (a publication every true barbershopper should have.) --sources: Heritage of Harmony Songbook, edited by Burg Szabo, and Trust Me With Your Heart Again, A Fireside Treasury of Turn-Of-The-Century Sheet Music, collected by Norton Stillman.
Petula, Who Knew?
If you know Petula Clark from the British Invasion of the 60's and songs like "Downtown" and "Don't Sleep In The Subway", you might be surprised by the following video from 1949.
Remember The Game
Just another quick reminder that the Derbytown Chorus will be singing The National Anthem at Progressive Field on Sunday, May 31. This will precede the 1:05 game between the Indians and the Yankees. We certainly hope that you can join us for this event.
Open House/Guest Night