Ed Crosley
Our sympathy goes out to Ed's wife of 67 years, Billie and all his family. As those who visited Ed after he was hospitalized can attest, singing barbershop was a joy and comfort to Ed, even as his health declined. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. His influence and contributions regarding our Chapter will be a legacy that all of us should use as motivation to "Keep The Whole World Singing".
On Saturday, April 10, The Akron Derbytown Chorus participated in the JAD Spring Preliminary Contest. I have included some photos of the event, courtesy of Ray Stone. Since I have just returned from my yearly Florida pilgrimage, a more complete story about the competition will be part of the next Bulletin issue.

Scott Giles 4/12
Ray Stone 4/13
Bryan Waters 4/18
Allen Foltz 4/19
Larry Andrews 4/21
What O. C. Cash Forgot To Tell Us
The best two places to hide in a chapter are, in order, the nominating committee and the bass section.
There never has, nor will there ever be, a contested election for Treasurer.
The selection of a Chorus Director is obviously a personality contest. Were it otherwise, wouldn't you be the Director?
The only advantage to being a Chorus Director is that you get someone else to carry your pitchpipe.
It is morally wrong to allow baritones to keep all of the tidilies.
It's always darkest before the curtain opens.
Barbershoppers will accept your idea much more readily if you tell them that last year's championship quartet/chorus did it that way.
When your friend becomes a section leader, you just lost a friend.
Be careful when asked to sing the same note throughout an entire tag-it's probably the most difficult part to do well.
The most powerful hex-phrase in all of barbershopping: "I really have this down-listen to this."
Speaking Of O. C. Cash.........
The average price of a new house was $3900.00
Average wage per year was $1730.00
Cost of a gallon of gasoline was 10 cents
Average new car price was $763.00
A recession caused unemployment to rise to 19%
A hurricane caused 40 ft waves to hit Long Island, NY. 63,000 people were left homeless and 700 were killed.
British prime minister Neville Chamberlain met with Adolph Hitler, agreed to allow Germany to occupy Czechoslovakia and declared "peace in our time".
Orson Wells' dramatization of "War of the Worlds" on the radio was taken by many as a news story rather than a play. Widespread panic resulted.
Joe Louis knocked out Germany's Max Schmeling in the first round to win the world heavyweight championship.
Seabiscuit and War Admiral have their long awaited duel to decide which horse is fastest and Seabiscuit wins.
Seeing eye dogs are used for the first time.
Those born in 1938 included: Evel Knievel, Ted Turner, Bernie Madoff, Manuel Noriega, Kenny Rogers and Christopher Lloyd
So, with all these things and more going on, the organization that would grow to become the BHS was born. It's been an interesting 72 year journey.