In 1916, a grass roots movement caused President Woodrow Wilson to issue a proclamation setting June 14 as the date for a nationwide observance of Flag Day. Congress made the holiday official in 1949 by resolving "That the 14th day of June of each year is hereby designated as Flag Day"
The Summit Chordsmen

Hal Moses-6/14
Bill Halter-6/18
Chris Eitman-6/23
Singing barbershop is the illusion of perfection. I delude myself regularly.
Ninety-five percent of all leads are singing out of their range.
In defense of his suggestion for new chorus uniforms, my friend claimed the "the better you're dressed, the better you sing." I gave it a try. I wore a brand new, top of the line, 3-piece suit to the next chorus rehearsal. I still flatted.
If you're having trouble finding the fourth guy for your quartet, consider this: stop looking. Instead, call your three-man group a "mini chorus." It's all a matter of semantics. A mini chorus will fly. A three-man quartet is a dumb idea.
Show Chairman: No one ever left the theater of an Annual Show saying, "it was a lousy show, but it did come in under budget."
Every chorus requires a contest to sustain it's own sense of worth.
The less you know about singing lead, the more attractive it is.
Contests: The judge's jokes are always funny.
Chorus Directors: If you let the chorus discover your standards, they'll use them against you.
Headquarters Hotel: Never try to adjust your clothing in a crowded elevator.

This collegiate acapella group, "On The Rocks", is from the University of Oregon. If you want to see and hear more of them, they have many, many videos on YouTube.