If today's Bulletin issue seems a little shorter than usual, there is a reason. I plan to have some special International Report issues that will come directly from the Convention. A notification will be sent to let you know that these "Philadelphia Stories" are online. If any of those Chapter members that are at International have a short (100 words or less) article about their convention activities, please send them to the Bulletin email address, derbytown08@gmail.com., or give them to me directly in writing.


George Bachmann, Jr-7/1
Virgil Koppes-7/4
Larry Steele-7/4
Dan Nichols-7/7

Go figure: If the quartet is stubborn and wins, it has guts. If it is stubborn and loses, it's dumb.
The three other parts can reform, but a bass is forever.
There is a pessimist in your chapter who thinks the old days were better. You know who I mean. You also know the optimist who believes that things are getting better. Trust me on this one, they're both wrong.
No member of the chorus is completely useless - he can always be used as a horrible example.
The amount of food prepared for an Afterglow, as a percentage of the guest's requirements, is either 84 percent or 192 percent.
When a barbershopper tells you, "I'm as good a singer as you are", it means that he thinks he is better.
We spend our lives buying new-stuff and throwing away old-stuff. Exception: we never throw away an old pitchpipe. Interesting.
The talent of a tenor is inversely proportionate to the weight of his music bag.
No quartet or chorus will ever do "Down Our Way" well. A classic case of "no respect for the too familiar."
Give pause to joining a chapter that has the local nursing homes singing for them.
Clear Choice
June 17-did a 30 minute show from the gazebo on the Medina Square and entertained the crowd of about 2000 with strolling and singing from 6-8. The occasion was the annual ice cream festival of the Medina County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
June 24-provided the musical entertainment at the Berea Masonic Temple for a meeting of The Order of The Eastern Star. Worthy Grand Warder, Vivian Chrisopulos was the guest of honor. We sang "Sweet (Vivian) Adeline" to her and since she was of Irish descent, we added "My Wild Irish Rose". Our "organ recital" was included in this performance. We hadn't used it for some time, but it turned out that corn still sells well in most parts of Ohio.
July 11-Dan, Ray, Jim and Bill will be singing at the amphitheater of Tuscora Park in New Philadelphia at 7:00 pm. The evening is billed as "Barbershop in the Park" and will include both The Schoenbrunn Valley Chorus and a Chapter quartet, a group from Sweet Adelines, and the 2010 International Seniors Bronze Medal quartet, Lightly Seasoned.
All Chapter quartets are encouraged to submit information about past and/or future performances for inclusion in The Bulletin.