Monday, July 12, 2010

July, 2010, #1

2010 Convention Finale

I hope that the four special Convention issues of the Bulletin were informative. There were three items that were not included in those issues. Two because they occurred very late in our stay in Philadelphia and the other because I thought that it was important enough to be held back for a regular edition. So here is the Convention "wrap-up".

Darryl Flinn Inducted Into Barbershop HOF

On Saturday evening at the Convention, the Barbershop Hall of Fame inducted the 2010 class. Among those inducted was Darryl Flinn. Darryl has served both the Society and our District as an officer, judge, director and quartet singer. This contest also marked Darryl's retirement as a judge.

Currently Darryl is singing bass with the 2010 Bronze medalist quartet, Lightly Seasoned and is the director of The City of Flags Chorus in Canton.
Thank you to Darryl for his leadership and
contributions to barbershopping on both the international and local levels, and congratulations on this well-deserved honor.

Great "Swan Song" for Crossroads

As many of you may know, at the conclusion of the quartet finals, it is traditional to have the past Gold Medal quartet sing for the audience. This year, after doing their first two numbers, Crossroads brought out their wives, children and grandchildren and all participated vocally in the final number. It was a special moment for all those in attendance and a reminder how important all of our families are and how much we owe them for allowing us to participate in this wonderful hobby of ours.

July 4th in Philadelphia

Sue and I decided early on that we would stay one day longer so that we could experience the holiday in the historic setting of Philadelphia. It involved a change in hotels to get a reasonable rate and a bit of walking to get down to the Art Museum area, but it was worth it. The length of Benjamin Franklin Blvd. from 20th street to the Art museum was lined with concessions and booths of all kinds and by 8:00 in the evening there were hundreds of thousands of people. We listened to a free concert by The Roots and Goo Goo Dolls. No, they did not do a salute to barbershop. But it was good music and we enjoyed it along with the rest of the crowd. At 11:00 the spectacular fireworks display began from behind the Art Museum. Then it was a liesurely walk back to the hotel. We settled in for a good night's sleep so that we were ready to catch the train on Monday for our return to Ohio.



Kirk Roose-7/12
Dick Frank-7/21
Stan Haught-7/21


Things O. C. Cash Forgot To Tell Us

  1. The only reason our pitchpipes have 13 notes is some wiseguy (usually a bari) can "prove" that we dropped a half note.

  2. Contests: You gotta believe in luck. How else can we explain the success of those we don't like?

  3. I prefer poor voices to poor ears because sometimes they take a rest.

  4. Judges who think they know everything about barbershopping are very irritating to those of us who do.

  5. Stage Presence: If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done.

  6. Our chapter named my last quartet "Sans Talent." We liked the name: it had a certain continental flavor to it.

  7. My friends suggested I find four other guys and form a quartet.

  8. The Devil: "Here's the deal. In exchange for the souls of all your children, and your children's children for the next five generations, I'll put you into an International Champion Quartet." Joe Barbershopper: "So what's the catch."

  9. At our last (not Previous) shot at quartet competition, one of the judges came up on stage and drew a white chalk outline around where we had stood.

  10. Hell is a half-filled auditorium.


Getting To Know Us

Check out the "Featured Chorus" link in the Hot Links section (upper right of the Bulletin page) and see what another chapter is up to.


Video Gallery

Gold Medal Quartet-Storm Front
(this video is about a year old but they did this in the quarter-finals in Philly)

Gold Medal Chorus-Westminster Chorus