At our rehearsal on October 11, we honored two Chapter members who recently reached the 50-year plateau of Society membership. Jim Bouterse and Bill Trumpold were both able to be present along with 53-year member, Oscar "Buzz" Fraley. Congratulations to Jim and Bill on having such an long and distinguished tenure in the barbershop harmony. Many Chapter members shared memories with our two honorees, especially related to the time when both were members of the outstanding Chapter quartet, The Interludes. Bill, Jim, Buzz and John Rohal( 60-year member), give us four men in our Chapter who have 50 or more years in BHS.

The three "golden" members joined with Chapter President, Jim Bishop, to sing a familiar barbershop song. Give a listen.
JAD District Contest and Convention October 14-16
Halloween October 31 (costumes at rehearsal on 10/25?????)
Election Day-November 8 (put your name on the chapter ballot for 2012??)
Veterans Day- November 11
Tree Festival Sing Out- November 19
Thanksgiving- November 24
Salvation Army Sing Out (am)- December 10 Annual Business Meeting and Christmas Party (pm)- Dec. 10

Jack Norworth wrote the words, and Nora Bayes wrote the music. Th

Here’s an excerpt from album notes from an early 1950’s recording by the Cities Service Green and White Quartet, thanks to Joseph Schlesinger, Houston, who seems to have a recording of every barbershop quartet ever recorded.
“Barbershop quartet singing brings back memories of an unashamedly sentimental era. It calls to mind qualities that have, regrettably, fallen by the wayside in the slashing swirl of modern living. The composers of one song in this RCA Victor collection serve to illustrate the point. The song, SHINE ON, HARVEST MOON, was written and made famous by Jack Norworth and Nora Bayes, singing sweethearts of many years ago. And when the loving pair played any theater, the lights out front blazed with a chivalrous message: ‘Nora Bayes, assisted and admired by Jack Norworth.’”
Thanks to.
Big D Bulletin, , Grant Carson, editor
____________________________________________________________________Ken Spencer- 10/2
Jim Bishop- 10/3
Kenneth Hinchee - 10/4
Herb Shreffler- 10/8
Donald Stephens- 10/10
Jim Bouterse- 10/15
Charles (Rip) Wilson- 10/21
Gary Young- 10/23