We're Movin' Up (a little bit)
Because of renovations being done to the basement social hall at Holy Trinity, we will be holding some of our rehearsals upstairs. The first of these was last Tuesday, 7/21. In addition to the beautiful architecture, we discovered that the acoustics were great too.
If We Sing It (correctly), The Harmonics Will Come

Scott, and our other directors did a fine job of having us sing in groups and locations that were quite different from our usual riser positions. What will they come up with for future rehearsals? Could be interesting.
Chorus Performs At Copley Place

On Friday, July 24, over 30 chorus members performed a 45 minute show for residents, staff and guests at Copley Place. You may remember that Copley Place provided bus transportation for the chorus when we sang on the morning show at Fox8.
The audience was very appreciative and many of them were seen singing along with the chorus as well as quartets, Sounds of Distinction and Clear Choice.
Thanks to all those men who helped us say thank you to Copley Place and, as always, spread a little barbershop cheer.
The audience was very appreciative and many of them were seen singing along with the chorus as well as quartets, Sounds of Distinction and Clear Choice.
Thanks to all those men who helped us say thank you to Copley Place and, as always, spread a little barbershop cheer.
Did You Guess Correctly?
The mystery chorus member from the "Getting To Know Us" column in the 7/13 bulletin issue was

Jim Bishop
Barbershop Glossary
Barbershop Glossary
Choreography- movements integrated into a song in order to enhance the performance
Diphthong- a sound composed of two consecutive vowels in a single syllable
Forward Focus- The sensation of producing sound in the facial area
Open Vowel- singers term for a vowel which has a wider opening, such as "oh, "ah", or "aw"
Tempo- the rate of speed of a musical composition
Diphthong- a sound composed of two consecutive vowels in a single syllable
Forward Focus- The sensation of producing sound in the facial area
Open Vowel- singers term for a vowel which has a wider opening, such as "oh, "ah", or "aw"
Tempo- the rate of speed of a musical composition
Music Quotation
You are the music, while the music lasts.
T.S. Eliot
You are the music, while the music lasts.
T.S. Eliot
Wadsworth Performance
On Saturday, July 18th, the chorus sang in downtown Wadsworth as part of the Salvation Army's Christmas in July celebration. The performance was dedicated to chorus member Roger Grecni, a Wadsworth resident, who passed away in 2008. We were honored to have Roger's wife, Kathy, attend this show. Thank you to Mike Hoover who acted as MC and to Chris Eitman and Erik Salmons for providing banners that were used as a backdrop for this occasion.
Summary of Officer Duties
As promised in the recent special election edition of the bulletin, here are some descriptions of what the responsibilities are for our Chapter officers. More will be added in future bulletin editions between now and the Fall elections. If you want more first hand information about an office, contact the chorus member that holds that office this year.
President-is the CEO of the Chapter. He is responsible for guiding the Chapter throughout the year, participating in Chapter, District and Society activities. As head of the Chapter leadership team, he (1) chairs the Chapter Board (2) is spokesman for the Chapter (3) appoints and supervises Chapter committee chairman and officers (4) oversees the planning of the yearly calendar (5) with the Board, develops the Chapter budget
Executive Vice-President- supports the President in the performance of the duties described above and stands ready to take charge of any activity or event in the absence of the President. This position is designed to prepare a chorus member for the office of President.
Secretary- as the office manager of the Chapter, he is responsible for maintaining current and accurate records for the Chapter. He acts as the corresponding and recording secretary of the Board. The Secretary also maintains Chapter legal files and is the only officer that can order supplies from the Society. He also requests ASCAP/BMI/SOCAN clearances for the Chapter.
Treasurer- is the finance officer of the Chapter. He must keep accurate financial records, receive and distribute Chapter funds as directed, and act as the financial advisor to the Board. His duties also include assisting in the preparation of the Chapter budget, monitor and report on expenditures and file necessary Federal and State forms.
President-is the CEO of the Chapter. He is responsible for guiding the Chapter throughout the year, participating in Chapter, District and Society activities. As head of the Chapter leadership team, he (1) chairs the Chapter Board (2) is spokesman for the Chapter (3) appoints and supervises Chapter committee chairman and officers (4) oversees the planning of the yearly calendar (5) with the Board, develops the Chapter budget
Executive Vice-President- supports the President in the performance of the duties described above and stands ready to take charge of any activity or event in the absence of the President. This position is designed to prepare a chorus member for the office of President.
Secretary- as the office manager of the Chapter, he is responsible for maintaining current and accurate records for the Chapter. He acts as the corresponding and recording secretary of the Board. The Secretary also maintains Chapter legal files and is the only officer that can order supplies from the Society. He also requests ASCAP/BMI/SOCAN clearances for the Chapter.
Treasurer- is the finance officer of the Chapter. He must keep accurate financial records, receive and distribute Chapter funds as directed, and act as the financial advisor to the Board. His duties also include assisting in the preparation of the Chapter budget, monitor and report on expenditures and file necessary Federal and State forms.
Quartet Activity
On Sunday, July 19, Clear Choice added their voices to the morning service at Lakemore United Methodist Church in Akron. The music director of the church had asked the quartet to participate and they contributed This Little Light Of Mine, He's Got The Whole World In His Hands, I Believe, and What A Wonderful World. The congregation and the church choir contributed some great singing. This was a bit of a departure from the usual quartet appearance, but it was enjoyable to be a part of the service.
Aeros' Game Appearance
Tuesday, July 28 will be our annual visit to Canal Park to sing The National Anthem before the game and "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" during the 7th innin
g stretch. Arrival time is set for 6:20 so we can warm up before the anthem. Game time is 7:05.
Uniform for the evening is: red chorus shirts, black pants, black socks and black shoes. We are sitting in the hot zone down the third base line, so bringing your "mitt" might be a good option.

Uniform for the evening is: red chorus shirts, black pants, black socks and black shoes. We are sitting in the hot zone down the third base line, so bringing your "mitt" might be a good option.
Rehearsal Video
Here is the chorus at the 7/21 rehearsal singing "Whole World". Notice how we're more spaced out than usual. (Insert your own joke here)
Oh, And Here's Some Other Chorus
If you missed the Birthday section, there wasn't one. There are no Chapter birthdays between now and the next bulletin issue on August 10.
If you missed the Birthday section, there wasn't one. There are no Chapter birthdays between now and the next bulletin issue on August 10.