Special Election Edition

It is that time again. The election of officers will take place in the Fall, so:
Now is the time to come to the aid of your chapter.
We all have busy schedules. Jobs, families and other commitments can certainly fill in an appointment calendar in a hurry. Just the activities related to barbershopping can sometimes make for a busy schedule.
Our chapter has been fortunate over the years. We have had hardworking, dedicated officers who made themselves available so that the Derbytown Chorus remained a vital part of our Society and also our community.
Your help is needed to assure that the success of the chorus continues. If you are currently an officer and would be willing to place your name on the ballot again, that's great. Maybe you want to try another office for the coming year. Fantastic! Your experience and expertise is an invaluable asset.
If you have held chapter offices in the past, maybe many years ago, consider coming forward as a candidate again. Those who have "been there, done that" are the best guides for our chorus.
And if you are relatively new to the chorus, we need fresh perspectives and new ideas. There is no better way to feel a part of your chorus than to become involved in it's operation.
The offices that need to be filled are:
Executive VP
Chapter Development VP
Music and Performance VP
Program VP
PR and Marketing VP
Chorus Manager
Board Member(s) at Large
Our chapter has been fortunate over the years. We have had hardworking, dedicated officers who made themselves available so that the Derbytown Chorus remained a vital part of our Society and also our community.
Your help is needed to assure that the success of the chorus continues. If you are currently an officer and would be willing to place your name on the ballot again, that's great. Maybe you want to try another office for the coming year. Fantastic! Your experience and expertise is an invaluable asset.
If you have held chapter offices in the past, maybe many years ago, consider coming forward as a candidate again. Those who have "been there, done that" are the best guides for our chorus.
And if you are relatively new to the chorus, we need fresh perspectives and new ideas. There is no better way to feel a part of your chorus than to become involved in it's operation.
The offices that need to be filled are:
Executive VP
Chapter Development VP
Music and Performance VP
Program VP
PR and Marketing VP
Chorus Manager
Board Member(s) at Large
( Watch for descriptions of the duties of these officers, starting with the next regular (7/27) edition of the bulletin.)
This year's nominating committee members are: Jim Heaton, Vic Dandrea and Bill Halter. Please contact any of these men if you have questions about the elected offices. And if you are asked to be a candidate by the committee, take the opportunity to give your time and ideas to our chapter during 2010, and say YES.
Running (for office) is good for your (chapter's) health.