The International Contest in Anaheim has now concluded and reports are that it was a spectacular event. Anyone who has attended a convention would not find that description surprising. If you have not been to an International, or maybe just not attended one lately, mark you calendar for next year when the contest venue will be Philadelphia. In case you have not seen or heard about this year's winners, here is a summary.
The Vocal Majority (Dallas Metro, TX)-Silver
Great Northern Union (Hilltop, MN)-Bronze(3)
Sound of the Rockies (Denver Mile High, CO)-Bronze(4)
The Northern Lights (Toronto, ON)-Bronze(5)
Southern Gateway (Cincinnati Western Hills) placed 11th

Old School-Silver
Storm Front-Bronze(3)
State Line Grocery( tie-4)
Collegiate Quartet Contest
The Vagrants-Gold
Swedish Match-Silver
On Demand-Bronze(3)
Prestige (all Bowling Green students)-Bronze(4)
JAD's 4-Way Stop-Bronze(5)
Go Fish-Bronze(tie-5)
He grew up on a 250 acre farm, helping to raise pigs, as well as doing

This chorus member's main occupation was as a computer programmer, but he also has worked as a house and barn painter (early in life), a high school math and physics teacher, and a physics instructor at a technical college.
His job with General Tire took his family to Germany for a year, where they all learned to speak and read German. This was necessary because the village in which they lived had very few English speaking residents. The family traveled through much of Europe during this time. In 2005, he spent a short time in London, working for BP. During this period, his wife was on the Tube when terrorists made a second attempt to blow up the subways. Fortunately, the bombs did not go off that time.
This barbershopper plays piano and organ and played both for his church from 6th grade through high school. He is also an astronomy buff. In college, he was president of the men's Glee Club, as well as the Wizard of Oz fan club. This latter group once rented the 16mm movie and watched the whole thing in reverse.
2009 Annual Akron Derbytown Chorus Family Picnic
submitted by Stan Martin
Saturday, June 20, was our annual Family Picnic, - held at Cuyahoga Falls Waterworks Park., 5:00 PM. A great day! Dan Nichols' blazing grille, blue skies, warm weather and many friends.
Dan thought of it all. The arrangements, grille, plentiful pop, yard games and lots of food. -Vic Estafen brought a double share of his pineapple//cherry goodies, Dick Hudson’s famous pasta salad and all the wives famous cookies/veggies/brownies kept us from hunger. .
Eric Salmons was there with his lovely daughter and the geese feeding boys.
Robin’s beautiful MG and Scott Giles' red convertibles graced the parking lot. Of course, Scott led the way for a variety of Chorus favorites. Our various quartet acappella smoothed the corners.
If you weren’t there, you missed a great evening. (Try again next year!).
Thanks Dan! You did a great job, (as did the many others pitching-in).
Birthday Wishes

Dick Frank -7/21
Charles (Stan) Haught -7/21
Barbershop Glossary
Expanded Sound- The effect created by the combined interaction of voices sung with accurate intonation, uniform word sounds in good quality, proper volume relationships that reinforce the more compatible harmonics producing an effect (greater than the sum of the individual voice parts).
Implosion-Compression of air between the closed glottis and the closed oral and nasal passages, forming the voiceless consonants "p", "t", and "k".
Swipe-An arranger's tool which enhances a song. A series of chords sung while sustaining one word.
Vocal Folds-Two muscular bands in the larynx cavity which vibrate and create varying pitches by adjusting tension against the upward flow of air.
Conan the Barbershopper
Rehearsal Location Change-The rehearsal on Tuesday, 7/14, will be held at the home of Charles (Rip) Wilson. Times are the same: Gospel group at 6:30, Chorus at 7:30.
Aeros' Game-The chorus will be singing the National Anthem (and anything else that we can get away with) at the Akron Aeros' game on Tuesday, 7/28. Contact Jim Mally if you have not signed up yet. No charge for chorus member tickets. Guest tickets are $3.00 and Jim needs the money for guest tickets turned in by 7/14.